CIS General progress report WD meeting 16 June 2008 Jorge Rodríguez Romero, Unit D.2, DG Environment, European Commission
Some highlights of the period and outlook (1) Committee work Updated rules of procedure Regulatory procedure with scrutiny Adding Groundwater Directive and Floods Directive Opinion on Intercalibration decision Opinion on Chemical Monitoring Directive Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.
Some highlights of the period and outlook (2) WG A ECOSTAT (issues not covered in agenda point 2.2) Eutrophication guidance review expected to deliver for the next WD meeting Workshop planned on HMWB Foreseen in ECOSTAT mandate Covering Good Ecological Potential setting but also designation issues Germany indicated their intention to organise it (tentatively February 2009) WG C Groundwater Compliance and trends guidance for next WD Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.
Some highlights of the period and outlook (3) WG D Reporting Preparations of the WISE “package” to be presented to the WD in November WFD consolidated reporting guidance Consolidated version of the WFD reporting schemas New WISE GIS guidance Concept paper and road-map towards WISE as a distributed system in 2015 Reporting of ecological status Concept presented at ECOSTAT classification workshop and at WG D reporting, broadly supported Finally agreed at SCG, green light to proceed with technical implementation Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.