Progress of the preparations for a White Paper on Adaptation to Climate Change Water Directors’ meeting Slovenia 16-17 June 2008 Marieke van Nood, Unit.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress of the preparations for a White Paper on Adaptation to Climate Change Water Directors’ meeting Slovenia 16-17 June 2008 Marieke van Nood, Unit D.2, DG Environment, European Commission

Policy making process Stakeholder Consultation Dec 2007 Green Paper Adopted June 2007 White Paper To be adopted end of 2008 Stakeholder Consultation Dec 2007 Internal Consultation Development of a Framework for Adaptation

Outcomes of stakeholder consultation General support for messages in Green Paper Urgent response is required Areas most vulnerable identified: water, health and biodiversity, tourism and agriculture There is a regional variation with regard to vulnerable areas, impacts and policy responses; a “one size fits all” approach will not work a flexible EU Framework for action should be applied Adaptation and mitigation must be considered together More focus on health and urban areas is needed More research and knowledge gathering is required Greater public debate and awareness raising needed

Outline of Impact Assessment Problem definition Identifying the need for (early) action at EU level Objectives Strategic choices: shaping EU adaptation Operational issues: focusing on EU added value Policy Options Policy Options screening Detailed assessment of key Policy Packages Monitoring & Evaluation

Adaptation baseline Identifying the adaptation “baseline” is crucial but complicated Some adaptation will occur autonomously, privately and/or unplanned For example, acclimatisation to increasing temperatures, migration of species Capacity to adapt autonomously varies geographically, by socio-economic group, between sectors, etc – danger of inequities Risks where unplanned adaptation may lead to conflict between sectors or groups, or gaps, or duplication of activity From EU-level perspective, adaptation “baseline” may also include adaptation already planned or happening at national or local levels

Problem definition Analysis of the chain of impacts on various sectors and cross-sectoral issues Climate Socio-economic drivers Eco- system changes Environ- mental impacts Provision Products/ services Economic impacts Social impacts Agriculture Forests Fisheries Infrastructures & buildings Energy Industry & services (incl. Tourism) Health Climate / Economic Scenarios Variability impacts across EU, groups Identify the need for EU Action: Trans-boundary effects Solidarity EC policies Economies of scale, etc. Autonomous / National adaptation plans Identify the need for early action Knowledge gaps Risk assessment Land use Water Biodiversity / ecosystems External dimension

Objectives Operational issues: focusing on EU added value Strategic criteria for adaptation options: Synergies mitigation & adaptation No regret measures Precautionary principle: give consideration to worst-case scenario Solidarity between social groups, between regions, Member States and between the EU and third countries Objectives Strategic choices: shaping EU adaptation: Increase resilience of EU economy, society and environment to CC by: Ensuring nature areas connectivity Improving ecosystems services (e.g. water storage, climate regulation, etc.) Adopting a preventive management of damages to economic and social infrastructure Improve the long-term outlook for society and biodiversity/ecosystems. Operational criteria for policy instruments Flexibility Knowledge based Proportionality / cost-effectiveness Sustainability Subsidiarity Consistency with horizontal EU strategies (Lisbon) Operational issues: focusing on EU added value

Policy options - towards a framework for EU action Water Land management Nature conservation Agriculture Forestry Fisheries Industries Infrastructures Energy Health Etc. Insurance schemes Price signals / markets Financing schemes Regulatory incentives (standards; planning) R&D Soft actions (Communication, governance) Identification of alternative options Screening Strategic criteria Operational criteria (incl subsidiarity test) grouping into policy packages (qualitative) assessment economic / environmental / social dimensions

White Paper - possible principles for action Synergies- Priority to measures for mitigation and adaptation. No regret- Priority to measures beneficial irrespectively of uncertainties Precautionary principle: consider worst-case scenario measures, even if uncertainties are high Solidarity- between MS, regions, social groups Flexibility and subsidiarity - Adaptation policy should be dynamic and flexible Knowledge based- Adaptation policy should be based on scientific evidence Proportionality- Measures must be cost-effective and proportionate Sustainability- Measures must be in line with overarching EU objectives on sustainable development.

White Paper - possible other components The problem- main areas of vulnerability and uncertainties The benefits of early action at EU level Developing a culture of reducing risk and vulnerability ( for each of following areas different options could be considered) Awareness raising / capacity building Land use / land management Infrastructure Funding mechanisms Principles for action

Next steps Further internal discussions within Commission services on Impact Assessment Further preparations of the White Paper The White paper and its IA will go for formal Inter-service Consultation After the Inter-service Consultation, the White paper will be adopted by the Commission.

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