Food Label Terms Words such as low, reduced, free and more are now legally defined within nutrition. 12/10/2018
Reduced Means that the product has 25% or less of a nutrient or calories than the regular product. 12/10/2018
Calorie Free Means fewer than 5 calories. But notice, it is not “calorie free” 12/10/2018
Low Calorie Means 40 calories or less. 12/10/2018
Light or Lite Means one third fewer calories or 50% less fat. If more than half the calories are from fat, the fat content must be reduced by 50% or more. 12/10/2018
Fat Free Means less than .5 grams of fat. Again, still not “fat free” 12/10/2018
Low Fat Means 3 grams of fat or less. 12/10/2018
Sodium Sodium Free – 35 milligrams or less sodium Light in sodium – 50% less sodium Low Sodium – 140 milligrams or less sodium Very low sodium – less than 50 milligrams sodium 12/10/2018
Cholesterol Cholesterol Free – less than 2 milligrams cholesterol and 2 grams or less saturated fat. Low Cholesterol – 20 milligrams or less cholesterol and 2 grams or less saturated fat. 12/10/2018
100% Organic Raw or processed agricultural products in the “100 percent organic” category must meet these criteria: All ingredients must be certified organic. Any processing aids must be organic. Product labels must state the name of the certifying agent on the information panel. Organic operations must demonstrate that they are protecting natural resources, conserving biodiversity, and using only approved substances. ( 12/10/2018
Nutritional Information – Food Label Activity 12/10/2018
FYI: The typo on the section, “Serving Size” was made by the people providing the graphic, not by AISD. 12/10/2018
Food Label Protein:__________ grams (1 gram = 4 calories) Name of label _________________________________________ Serving Size: ____________ Total Calories: ____________ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Protein:__________ grams (1 gram = 4 calories) Carbohydrate: ___________ grams (1 gram = 4 cal.) Fat: ___________ grams (1 gram = 9 calories) 12/10/2018
Of the total number of calories, how many are from protein, carbohydrates and fat? Protein Calories: ________ X 4 = _________ Carbohydrate Calories: ________ X 4 = _________ Fat Calories: _________ X 9 = ___________ 12/10/2018
What percentage of the total calories are from protein, carbohydrates and fats? % of Protein = ________ / _______ X 100 = ________ % % of Carbs = ________ / _______ X 100 = ________ % % of Fat = ________ / _______ X 100 = ________ % 12/10/2018