SWANSEA PUBLIC HEALTH TEAM SWANSEA FOOD CONNECTIONS Asha Boyce – Community Nutritionist Viv Makin – Community Food Development Worker Jennifer Evans – Community Food Development Worker NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH TEAM
AIM Swansea Food Connections aims to improve access to, and availability of, healthy food choices, by facilitating community-led and run food initiatives in the 12 Communities First and Objective 1 priority 3 areas of Swansea.
BACKGROUND The Welsh Health Survey ¹ indicates that people in Swansea are not eating healthily enough, with over 60% of the population not consuming the recommended 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Research shows that there are dietary inequalities between those on higher and lower incomes¹.
FACTORS AFFECTING FOOD CHOICE The Food Access Model ² suggests that people’s choices about the food they buy and eat result from a combination of factors. The main barriers to healthy eating are: Low income and debt Poor accessibility to affordable, healthy foods Socio-cultural factors Factors in food production and the food chain Lack of opportunities to experiment and to develop cooking skills for healthy meals Lack of access to accurate information Food marketing Poor literacy and numeracy skills
FUNDING The Big Lottery (Cancer Prevention Programme) provided funding which covers a three year period ending in June 2007.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPROACH Go with the people. Live with them. Love them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. But of the leaders, when the job is done, the task accomplished, The people will all say ‘We have done this ourselves’ Lao Tsu, China 700 BC
PARTNERSHIP SFC works with community members, in addition to a wide range of statutory and voluntary organisations. Where possible, the project has encouraged local producers, wholesalers and chefs to support volunteers in setting up Initiatives. The Team is supported by a multidisciplinary Steering Group.
STEERING GROUP Fruit/ vegetable wholesalers Swansea Community Farm Communities First /Regeneration officers Fruit/ vegetable wholesalers Swansea Community Farm Community groups Development trusts Farmers Sure start Swansea College Dietetics Dept Swansea NHS Trust Swansea Women’s Centre Minority Ethnic Women’s Network Black Environment Network British Trust for Conservation Volunteers Family Centres Health Living Centres Community Centres Churches/ places of worship Interested individuals Rural Regeneration Unit Youth Service STEERING GROUP Swansea Council for Voluntary Service City and County of Swansea Dietetic Dept, Swansea NHS Trust Swansea Public Health Team Healthy Directions Bonymaen Community Regeneration Unit Active Community Members
FOOD FOR THOUGHT NETWORKING EVENT The aims of the event were to provide communities with information on how to set up various food projects an opportunity for people to come together and share their experiences, skills and knowledge. an opportunity to discuss and learn about possible solutions to food related issues.
A GUIDE TO COMMUNITY FOOD ACTIVITIES “How to …. …. A Guide to Community Food Activities” A step-by-step guide to food activities, signposting to established initiatives in Swansea enabling people to take local action with appropriate knowledge and support.
COMMUNITY-LED ACTIVITIES INITIATED BY SFC Peer-led and tutor led Cookery Activities delivered in 4 areas. Organised Food Hygiene Training for 6 community groups Supported communities to set up 6 Food Co-ops enabling people to access affordable fresh fruit and vegetables at local pick up points. Supported the establishment of a Local Produce Market. Delivery of OCN Nutrition Training enabling a wide range of organisations to be good sources of nutrition information which can support groups at a local level. Encouraged and supported Local Food Growing Activities. Provided Cookery Demonstrations and Ready, Steady, Cook Style events to engage with the communities.
EVALUATION Quantitative data Numbers of people attending meetings, training sessions and volunteering for particular initiatives Demographic information Number of initiatives established Number of training sessions Qualitative data Collect feedback from events, training sessions Written data from meetings Annual Reports
FUTURE: A VISION FOR FOOD ACTION A Local Food Network, where people can share information, experiences and best practice. A more co-ordinated approach to all work around food issues. Encouraging a change in food culture, such as promoting locally produced seasonal foods.
REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Office of National Statistics. Welsh Health Survey 2003/05 Local Authority Report. Website. http://new.wales.gov.uk/topics/statistics/headlines/health-2006/hdw20060906/?lang=en. Dowler, E. and Dobson, B. 1997 Nutrition and Poverty in Europe: An Overview. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 56,1A. 51-62. Food Standards Agency Wales. Food and Wellbeing: Reducing inequalities through a nutrition strategy for Wales 2003. Website. http://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/pdfs/foodandwellbeing.pdf. A Toolkit for Community Development Workers. 2004 Communities First Support Network and Connections (S.A). Cardiff. Allan, D. 2005 Getting our act together ….. In community development and health. London: Community Development Foundation.
OTHER INSPIRATIONAL PROJECTS Community Food Enterprise Ltd London www.community-food-enterprise.org.uk Riverside Community Market Association www.riversidemarket.org.uk East Sussex Food and Health Partnership www.foodandhealth.org.uk Sandwell Project www.webwell.org.uk/server.php