MY DREAM HOUSE TOTAL PRICE Info about house (as much as you’d like to share. You can go onto more than one slide if you’d like!) Estimated Monthly Payment
MY DREAM CAR TOTAL PRICE Info about your car (As much as you’d like to share. Can go onto more than one slide if you’d like). Estimated monthly payment
ESTIMATED SALARY REQUIREMENTS Calculate yearly expenses for house payment (show your work) Calculate yearly expenses for car payment show your work. Estimate yearly expenses for ALL OTHER bills. (same as house) Add all of these together and see how much money you’ll need to make after taxes. Multiply x 1.28 to see how much money you’ll need to make before taxes.
JOB TITLE ONE Nature of work Working conditions Job Outlook Education Required Salary Info Multiply by 28% to figure out estimated tax amount and subtract it from your salary
JOB TITLE TWO Nature of work Working conditions Job Outlook Education Required Salary Info Multiply by 28% to figure out estimated tax amount and subtract it from your salary
SUMMARY SLIDE Tie things up! What did you learn? Tell me at least three things you learned during the course of your research! Be specific. Dig deep.