WARM UPS 12/10/2018 What is the unit for Energy? 87 – Francium – Fr Goal: I will examine kinetic and potential energy. 87 – Francium – Fr Francium is the least-stable naturally occurring element with a half-life of 22 minutes, and was the last element discovered in nature (in 1939 in…FRANCE!) Francium should be the most reactive of the alkali metals, but it is so radioactive, that we’ve never put together a lump of it big enough to test.
HP Agenda 10-Dec-18 Morning: Roller Coaster lab Afternoon: New/Good Rocket Breakdown Work on Rocket lab – Time/Height Setup discussion of RC lab (afternoon classes) Complete roller coaster lab C-7: 1,2,9,10, 11, 12 Goal: I will continue my study of KE/PE.