Instructions for Slides Insert the “Welcome to Class” slides at the beginning of your PowerPoint. Please announce information at start of class. Insert the “Course Evaluations” slide at the end of your PowerPoint. Please announce information at end of class.
Welcome to Class! To ensure that you have a successful NTI experience, please note the following: Wear your name badge at all times. It is your entrance NTI event activities or areas. Do not leave personal items unattended in meeting rooms or other venue areas. NeighborWorks® America is not responsible for lost, stolen and/or damaged items, goods or resources. For housing or travel changes, visit the Institute office (locations are noted in your packet) or send an email to no later than 12:00pm on Wednesday. Note: Changes may not be possible on site. Please remove trash from tables during breaks or at the end of the day. (Continue to next slide)
Welcome to Class! Class Schedule Highlights Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday lunch from 11:30am – 1:00pm Class ends at 4:00pm Thursday/Friday lunch from 11:45am – 1:00pm Class ends at 4:30pm Thursday and 2:30pm Friday Per our Course Completion Policy, participants must attend 100% of the course to receive a course attendance certificate. Arriving to class late or leaving early will result in incomplete course attendance.
Please note the instructor information and order as follows: Course Evaluations Please note the instructor information and order as follows: Instructor 1: _________________________ Instructor 2: _________________________ Faculty ID number is NO LONGER needed for evaluations. Your opinion is important to us, please take a moment to evaluate the course that was just completed by noting the following: Only use BLACK/BLUE ink or pencil to complete the evaluation, other colors may not show your responses, which means your input will not be captured. Please fill in the bubbles, do NOT circle them, X them out or use any other type of notation as your response will not be captured.