Continual Celebration: Walls of Fame Many facilities create a Wall of Fame for permanent recognition, whether it be simple or formal. Having a permanent display of your past Honorees really shows your nurses and your visitors the importance you place on their honor of being selected a DAISY Honoree.
Continual Celebration: External Communication Give shout outs to your Honorees in all of your External Communications such as newsletters, updates, year end reviews. You can also include the names of all those who received nominations. Create a DAISY Corner by taking selected phrases or paragraphs from nominations and sharing them for inspiration with your staff.
Continual Celebration: Social Media Tag us! @DAISYFoundation #DAISYAward @DAISY4Nurses Now that you’ve had a great Presentation, it is time to celebrate your Honorees! Make it a BIG DEAL. Use your Social Media to share with your community.
Continual Celebration: Honorees on Your Website Give shout outs to your Honorees in all of your External Communications such as newsletters, updates, year end reviews. You can also include the names of all those who received nominations. Create a DAISY Corner by taking selected phrases or paragraphs from nominations and sharing them for inspiration with your staff. Click Here to View Click Here to View
Displays Create Attention Have a visual at the entrance, create a presence with a table or use a Display case. If possible, work with your Marketing Department! Harrison Medical Center’s display [in the center] was easily created using all of the DAISY items along with a nurse bear and some craft store lettering and flowers. We now have vertical banners that are orderable through our website Resource Center for use in your lobby or other highly traveled areas.
Nomination Pins Celebrate All Year With a copy of nomination Note to nominee from Manager or CNO (template in resource center) Multi-nomination pins