Exemplary Community Involvement: 2005 – 2006 Exemplary Community Involvement: 2005 – 2006 Catholic Children’s Aid Society Placement BEd. Community Practicum, York University, Toronto, ON Throughout my placement during my first year in the Faculty of Education program at York University, I learned what it meant for a school to be a part of a community. Being placed at the CCAS quickly taught me that, not only do staff and student make up the school community, but so do the social workers, physiatrists, local businesses and of course parents and guardians. I learned how to be respectful and professional when it comes to interacting with the different members of a school community. I have come to appreciate that my students will come from all walks of life. Going back to my philosophy of teaching, I firmly believe that listening with love to my students, as well as their parents and guardians is what makes for a safe and healthy learning community.