Current Cluster Team Structure since 11th July 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Current Cluster Team Structure since 11th July 2017 Laurent de Valensart - UNHCR National Cluster Coordinator +964 (0) 771 994 5694 Michel Tia - IOM Information Management Officer - National +964 (0) 750 021 1720 Cornelius Weira - IOM Sub National Co-Chair - Centre and South +964 (0) 751 234 2548 Laurence West - UNHCR Sub National Coordinator – KRI +964 (0) 771 911 0574 Andrea Quaden - NRC National Cluster Co-Chair +964 (0) 751 740 7635 Abdoulaye Dieye - NORCAP Information Management Officer - Assistant National +964 (0) 771 488 2672 Tonja Klansek - ACTED Roving Cluster Coordinator +964 (0) 773 725 8092 Aziz Abultimman - UNHCR Senior Cluster Associate +964 (0) 750 868 6038

Mosul Shelter & NFI Cluster Meeting Agenda: - Winter interventions - Rapid Rasp follow up - HRP update - AOB Wednesday 6 December 2017

IDPs & Returnees update (DTM)

1. Winterization out of camps Kirkuk: Hawiga: ACTED (ongoing), PIN (ongoing), HA (planned) Kirkuk: IOM (ongoing), NRC (planned), additional support needed Dibes: No partner – support needed Salah Al Adin: Shirqat: ACTED, PIN Ninewah: Tal Afar: No partner – support needed Mosul City: UNHCR, ME(?) – additional support needed Mosul district/corridor: DRC (planned/ongoing), additional support needed Ba’aj: OXFAM (?)

1. Winterization out of camps Map of Returnees and IDPs based on DTM data: Google sheet – winter planning linked to the map

2. Winterization camps Foreseen increase in the IDPs in the camps Al Holl camp (Syria) – 6,000 IDPs Ongoing discussions in regards to closure of Tal Jarabia Returnees are going in secondary displacement due to lack of shelter, infrastructure, increase in rents and lack of resources Movements in between camps (variations in support provided)

2. Winterization camps Mercy Corps winter support UNHCR winter support Salamiya - ongoing HAA – ongoing Nimrud - ongoing Mercy Corps winter support - Jaddah 1,2,3 – planned mid Dec CRS winter support - Jaddah 6 – ongoing distribution IOM winter support Qayara Airstrip - ongoing Haj Ali – ongoing - additional support will be needed Basateen (SaD) - ongoing Additional support needed: Jaddah 4,5 (6,950 families – heater, jerry can, carpet, tarp, blankets)

3. Informal settlements – rapid rasp follow up Map of Rapid Rasp data Google sheet – informal settlements – rapid rasp follow up linked to the map

5. Other funding mechanisms 4. HRP SAG reviewed all 48 proposals (29-30th Nov) 27 proposals were selected for amendments Requests for amendments were sent to Partners with selected proposals (3rd Dec) Deadline for the reviews 6th December COB (5pm) The defense of the projects in front of the Humanitarian Coordinator will take place on 12th December When the defense is agreed this will determine the funds available for next year and how the humanitarian community will direct them. Government Humanitarian Plan HRP National Development Plan (Poverty Reduction Strategy, Reconstruction Plan) 5. Other funding mechanisms Returnee projects will be only minimum part of HRP and only for the returnees unable to return without support. RRP, World Bank and Bilateral Funding will be main mechanisms supporting Return and Recovery. RRP World Bank Bilateral

6. Partner updates Ongoing projects/ area of operations New projects Access issues Security issues

7. AOB