DAILY SUPPLIES Blue or Black pen and 2 highlighters Pencil/Paper Notebook (1-1 ½ inch three ring binder) Agenda (5 page protectors)
Notebook Dividers: 1. Warm-ups . Unit of Study . Reference . Graded Papers
ENTERING CLASS Go DIRECTLY to your seat Enter day’s agenda AND homework into agenda-EVERYDAY! Complete warm up Take out any previously assigned work Take out notebook, supplies
Classroom Behavior Expectations: Students are expected to be prepared, punctual, respectful, and cooperative. Students will lose points throughout the year for not meeting these expectations.
Upon exiting class: Students are to clean area/pack up when directed by teacher. Students are to remain seated until they are dismissed by teacher (not the bell)
IF ABSENT: Make-up work can be found on back student work table with handouts found in hanging folders. Student is to get make-up work on first day back to school DURING HOMEROOM (work will not be given during class) Assignments are updated daily on Mrs. Wishon’s BLOG
Homework, Classwork and Tests: Unfinished classwork is to be considered homework unless otherwise directed by the teacher. Homework is assigned to reinforce skills covered in class or to prepare the student for upcoming lessons. IT IS NOT BUSY WORK! Classwork and homework is due at the start of the class period and credit is assigned at that time.
Homework, Classwork and Tests: ZAP! Students who do not have the assignment will receive a zero and will be placed in ZAP! Turning in the assignment before the end of the week will allow student to participate in Fun Friday. Credit will be given when the assignment is turned in. Long-term assignments are due on the original due date regardless of absences. Test scores below a 75 are eligible to be retaken. A remediation activity is required for the retake. The second score will count.
Miscellaneous Information: We are respectful of ALL people in our community at ALL times. #always Wait until a person has finished speaking before raising your hand. Track the speaker! One person at a time is permitted to leave classroom. DO NOT INTERUPT THE SPEAKER TO ASK FOR PERMISSION TO LEAVE CLASS! 5 points are deducted for No Name papers and for capitalization errors of proper nouns.
YES is the appropriate affirmative response! NO “YEAS ALLOWED!”
SIGNATURES: Are there any questions? Sign your name on STUDENT SIGNATURE Parent Signature required…due Friday!