Energy Systems 30 seconds Bell Ringers
Question 1 What are the 3 phases of the cellular respiration process?
Answer Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport, Chemiosmosis
Question 2 Where in the cell does the glycolysis part of cellular respiration occur
Answer In the Cytoplasm (Cytosol)
Question 3 Where in the cell does the Krebs (Citric Acid) cycle part of cellular respiration occur?
Answer In the Mitochondria
Question 3b On average, how many ATP can be made from each NADH during the electron transport process?
Answer 3
Question 3c On average, how many ATP can be made from each FADH2 during the electron transport process?
Answer 2
Question 4 How many ATP (net) are made in the glycolysis of one glucose molecule?
Answer 2 molecules of ATP
Question 5 How many ATP are made in the Kreb’s cycle part of cellular respiration of 1 glucose molecule?
Answer 2 molecules of ATP (1 for each of the two cycles – 2 Acetyl CoA)
Question 6 How many ATP are made in the electron transport part of cellular respiration?
Answer 34 molecule of ATP 10 NADH (3) = 30 ATP 2FADH2 (2) = 4 ATP
Question 7 In which phase of cellular respiration is carbon dioxide made?
Answer The Krebs Cycle Don’t forget!!! Pyruvate oxidation is not a part of Cellular respiration
Question 8 In which phase of cellular respiration is water made?
Answer Electron Chain Transport
Question 9 What would happen to the cellular respiration process if the enzyme for one step of the process were missing or defective?
Answer The entire process beyond that point could not happen.