Vocabulary Words World Literature Week 10
Antipathy The antipathy between John and Carl was so bad that the coach had to break up a fight during the game.
Antipathy Definition: n.—strong dislike, hostile feeling Synonym: opposition, aversion, antagonism Antonym: support
Decorum After Sheila lost the student election, she still acted with decorum and politely congratulated her opponent.
Decorum Definition: n.—proper behavior Synonym: dignity, propriety, tact Antonym: abandon, wildness
Exuberant Jasmin was so exuberant on her birthday that she could hardly sit still.
Exuberant Synonym: enthusiastic, excited, lively, energetic Definition: adj.—high spirited Synonym: enthusiastic, excited, lively, energetic Antonym: lethargic
Infinitesimal Michael strained to see the infinitesimal pimple that Nancy claimed to have on her face.
Infinitesimal Definition: adj.—minute; so small as to almost immeasurable Synonym: tiny, insignificant, diminutive Antonym: huge
Sedate Josh remained sedate after discovering his parents were in a car wreck so that his little sister would not get too upset.
Sedate Definition: adj.—quiet, settled, sober Synonym: dignified, calm, cool, composed Antonym: rowdy, boisterous
Alleviate My mother brought me a big mug of hot tea with lemon and honey to help alleviate my sore throat.
Alleviate Definition: v.—to relieve, make more bearable Synonym: ease, lessen, assuage Antonym: aggravate
Antithesis Megan’s behavior was the very antithesis of cowardly when she ran out in the middle of traffic to rescue the lost little puppy.
Antithesis Definition: n.—the direct opposite Synonym: converse, contrast, reverse Antonym: identical
Disparage Cindy felt that Nick’s nasty remarks were meant to disparage her new hairstyle.
Disparage Definition: v.—to belittle Synonym: laugh at, mock, ridicule Antonym: praise
Magnanimous Paul was relieved that his magnanimous girlfriend did not blame him when another girl gave him a kiss.
Magnanimous Definition: adj.—generous in forgiving Synonym: noble, benevolent, considerate Antonym: petty
Loquacious Lauren is not usually loquacious in class, but today she monopolized almost every discussion.
Loquacious Definition: adj.—talkative, wordy Synonym: garrulous, chatty, verbose, gabby Antonym: silent, quiet