Unit 2: Westward Expansion 10.3.18
Calendar Adjustment Chapter 8 notes due Friday, OCTOBER 12
Picture Sort With your group, follow the directions on the task card to sort the pictures into a story.
Picture Sort These are all images from the War of 1812 Let’s see how you did…
Causes 1 Attacks by Native Americans were going up Americans believed that the British were responsible British encouraging Native American attacks against Americans British supported the idea of a Native American state in the West 1
Causes 2 British interfering with American shipping/trade British practice of “impressment” Seizing British deserters U.S. passed the Nonintercourse Act, which made it worse England & France at war, both wanted to prevent the other side from getting supplies France willing to negotiate with US Nonintercourse Act banned trade with GB at retaliation 2
Causes of the war The American “War Hawks” argued U.S. should go to war against Britain June 1812 – Congress declares war Native Americans side with the Brits Chief Tecumseh War Hawks mostly out west and in the South – people who wanted to expand Westward North Easterners against war b/c economy based on trade 1st time the United States declares war! President James Madison
The War 3 4 Initially Americans do poorly Small army Battle at Lake Erie is first major US victory 3 4 America has 17 ships, GB had 1,000 America has only 12,000 troops spread out across the country
Up In Smoke 5 By 1814, the British were done fighting Napoleon In August, the British invade DC Burned down most of the city including the Capitol building and the White House British able to add 14,000 troops now that war with Napoleon was over 5
Bombs bursting in air September, 1814: British attack Fort McHenry in Baltimore American forces turn back the British Francis Scott Key writes the words to the Star-Spangled Banner 6
End of the War By the end of 1814, both sides realized neither wanted to continue Treaty of Ghent (Belgium) is signed on Christmas Eve and the war ends 7
Battle of New Orleans January 1815: U.S. and British forces in New Orleans didn’t know the treaty had ended the war General Andrew Jackson leads Americans to resounding victory Patriotic boost Jackson = hero Word about the peace treaty reached America in February 1815 8
Hartford Convention Dec. 15, 1814 – Jan. 5, 1815 Federalists Held a secret convention to oppose the war Tried to change the Constitution Eliminate the 3/5 clause Require 2/3 vote to declare war They are seen as traitors & unpatriotic Federalist party is done for
Significance Neither the US nor GB won the war Native Americans definitely lost Lose more land (200 treaties signed) Britain stopped supporting them United States’ territory & power expand Native American state idea abandoned Oregon territory split between US & UK