Math/LUNCH/ Math locker December 4, 2014 Day D Social Studies Exploratory Math/LUNCH/ Math locker English Science Day D
ACTIVATOR (December 4, 2014) : Take out your H.W & notebook. In notebook, answer this: “Use estimation to determine if 8,580 ÷ 78 has a quotient in the 10s, 100s, or 1000s.”
December 4, 2014 Day D SWBAT connect estimation with place value in order to create and compute (using the standard algorithm) decimal division problems on pages 46-49. We will show what we know when we successfully complete our ticket to go. 6.NS.B.2 and 6.NS.B.3
+ Opening Exercise (pg. 46) 5,911 ÷ 23 = 200 50 5 2 ------- 257 257 December 4, 2014 Day D Opening Exercise (pg. 46) 5,911 ÷ 23 = 200 50 5 2 ------- 257 257 +
Estimate this quotient: 𝟖,085 ÷ 33 December 4, 2014 Day D Example 1 (pg. 46) Estimate this quotient: 𝟖,085 ÷ 33 Many possible answers: 8,000 ÷ 30 8,000 ÷ 35 8,100 ÷ 30 8,100 ÷ 35 Best option: 𝟖,100 ÷ 30 = 270 “3 is not a factor of 8, but it is a factor of 81”
Example 1 (pg. 46) December 4, 2014 Day D Model to show the division of 𝟖, 𝟎𝟖𝟓 by 33.
December 4, 2014 Day D Example 1 (pg. 46) 𝟖,085 ÷ 33= 245
1500 ÷ 30 = 50 Example 2 (pg. 47) December 4, 2014 Day D Use estimation and the standard algorithms to divide 1512 ÷ 27 1500 ÷ 30 = 50 In the algorithm, we can show that there are fifty 27’s by placing a 5 over the tens place. We know that 5 tens is 50. This is really showing that 151 tens ÷ 27 = 5 tens.
Example 2 (pg. 47) December 3, 2014 Day C I would multiply 50 × 27, which is 1,350. Then, I would subtract 1,350 from 1,512. Same as the algorithm:
How Do You Feel? December 4, 2014 Day D topic.
December 4, 2014 Day D Students will work by self, in pairs, or groups of three to complete Exercises #1-4 on pg. 47-49. (15 minutes)
December 4, 2014 Day D Ticket-to-Go Estimate the quotient and then solve using the division algorithm: 1908 ÷ 36
December 4, 2014 Day D Problem Set: Page 50
December 4, 2014 Day D Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners