Department of Defense Pest Management Measures of Merit (MoMs) At the end of every fiscal year a data call is sent out to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Defense Logistics Agency requesting information on the following MoMs. The Armed Forces Pest Management Board receives this data and derives totals for the DoD. l MoM #1:100% of DoD installations will have a current Pest Management Plan. Data is presented as a percentage: the number of installations with current plans / the number of installations requiring a current pest management plan X 100. l MoM #2: Through the end of FY 2010, DoD will maintain the achieved reduction in annual pesticide use on DoD installations. This goal is based on FY 2002 and FY 2003 average usage, which was 399,000 pounds of active ingredient (45% of the original FY93 baseline). Data is presented as a percentage: the total amount of pesticide applied (in pounds of active ingredient) during the fiscal year. Pesticide applications by contractors are included. l MoM #3: 100% of pesticide applicators will be certified. Data is presented as a percentage: the number of certified personnel who applied pesticides on DoD installations during the fiscal year / the number of certified and uncertified personnel who applied pesticides during the fiscal year X 100.
DoD Pest Management Plans FY10 Status MoM Goal #1: All DoD Installations Will Have a Current Pest Management Plan (Goal) 84.6%
MoM Goal #2 : Maintain the 55% pesticide use reduction achieved from (Modified in 2004) DoD Pesticide Usage FY10 Status 51.4% (Goal)
MoM Goal #3: All Pesticide Applicators Will Be Certified DoD Certified Pesticide Applicators FY10 Status 99.5% (Goal)