HS Math 3 Honors Class Expectations Contact Ms.Fisher: “The 4 P’s” Email- cfisher@prospectridgeacademy.org Room Number: 2145 Office Hours: Tuesday’s 3:15-4 Overview of Topics: Review of Quadratics 2. Further exploration of functions 3. Understanding higher order polynomials 4. Parametric Equations 5. Exponential and logarithmic functions. 6. Applications of Probability 7. Variance, standard deviation and the normal distribution 8. Graphing, proofs, and applications of trigonometry 9. Geometric modeling (if time permits) Required Materials: Pencils with a good eraser (no pens in math class!) Three ring binder with loose leaf paper A scientific calculator with at least square root, logarithmic, and trigonometric capabilities. A graphing calculator (such as a TI-83 or TI-84) is strongly recommended. Graphing calculators can be purchased on eBay for a significantly reduced rate. Class Expectations “The 4 P’s” We will be… 1. Prompt- On time! This includes arrival to class, completion of homework, and getting started with class activities. 2. Prepared- Bring all required materials, have your homework ready, and be ready to learn. 3. Productive- Discussions should be kept on task and technology should be used appropriately . Productive questioning also leads to valuable learning. 4. Polite- Respect one another and our classroom. This includes not talking when someone is presenting, helping one another despite different learning strengths and growth areas.
Assessing Learning A- 90-100% B- 80-89% C-70-79% F-0-69% Assessments-70% (Summative Assessments, Quizzes, Projects) Final-10% (Each semester) Learning Activities- 20% (Homework and Class Activities) Graded on a 0-10 point scale. Re-Assessment- Students will be given the opportunity to re-assess. Before re-assessment students must come in during office hours, or one of their study halls and make corrections to their original test. Re- assessments must be taken within a timely manner. In order to re-asses students will also need to have all homework assignments for the unit completed. Incomplete/ Late Work- Students may turn in incomplete work for partial credit. Deductions will be made based on the number of school days the assignment is late. For learning activities, one point will be deducted per day. For projects, 5 percentage points will be deducted per day. A Note on Technology- Devices must be used for academic purposes only. There will be times when devices will be used to enhance student learning and times when students will be asked to power down and put away devices. As a general rule, messaging is not allowed. School policy on cell phones and headphones will apply. Absent Work- Students are responsible for obtaining all missed work while absent. Students with excused absences will be given two school days to complete and turn in missed work. After these two days, loss of credit for late work procedures will apply. Homework- Students are responsible for recording homework assignments. Homework is designed to reinforce concepts learned in class time and provide opportunity for students to practice and assess progress. Consistently completing homework on the day it is assigned as well as reviewing class notes are excellent ways to begin working towards content mastery. Students missing two or more homework assignments in a unit will be required to come in for office hours. Students will complete missing assignments at the soonest office hour following the second missing assignment.