Planning for fish bearing waters between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead
Fisheries Management Planning Fish bearing waters between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead Colorado River Tributaries Comprehensive fisheries management Healthy recreational trout fishery in the Lees Ferry Reach Thriving native fish community within Grand Canyon National Park National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) - coming Scoping, Alternatives, Analysis, Public Review Section 106/ESA consultation Meeting Purpose – Information exchange to understand stakeholder interests
Meeting Process Introductory Presentations Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Grand Canyon National Park Fish and Wildlife Service Arizona Game and Fish Stakeholder Presentations Facilitated Discussion Pizza Lunch Fisheries Management Planning
Fish Communities in the Lees Ferry Reach Highly valued recreational trout fishery minimal emigration downstream Healthy, self-sustaining native fish communities native fish habitat, and the important ecological role of native fishes... to the extent possible
Colorado River Manage trout using a wide range of tools with stakeholders Develop meaningful metrics of trout size, weight, abundance, and life history factors with stakeholders to maximize angler satisfaction and minimize emigration Maintain and enhance the aquatic food base in Glen Canyon Maintain healthy, self-sustaining populations of native fish Study and protect habitat needs, movement, and spawning locations for native fish Determine the effects of dam operations on native and non-native fish Prevent introduction of aquatic invasive species Fish Communities in the Lees Ferry Reach
Paria River within Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Protect water quality, water sources, and in-stream flows from degradation Maintain native plant and animal communities Conduct aquatic inventories Prevent introduction of aquatic invasive species Other Glen Canyon considerations Where feasible, use sustainable solutions Consider fish management activities in context with other resources and values (e.g., wilderness values, water quality, wildlife, recreation needs, threatened and endangered species) Use the best available scientific and other information Fish Communities in the Lees Ferry Reach