Balancing on 1 foot arms stretched to the ceiling 2
3 4 Arabesque Balance on 2 hands and 1 foot – Have 1 foot stretched in the air 3 Arabesque (ar-uh-besk) Balance on 1 foot – Have 1 foot stretched in the air 4
5 V-Sit 6 Shoulder Stand Legs straight in the air and balance on shoulders supporting with arms 5 Balance on bottom legs and arms in the air V-Sit 6
1 2 Partner Balancing - Balance using your back Partner Balancing - feet in the air and hold hands Partner Balancing - Balance using your back 2
Partner Balance – Back to back, Holding hands and lean forward 3 Partner Balancing One person stretch legs lying on your back, partner balance on feet 4 Partner Balance – Back to back, Holding hands and lean forward
Make up your own partner balance 5 6 Team Balance All linked hands, touching the feet of the person opposite . Balancing on bottom. 6 Make up your own partner balance
1 2 Plank Position Balance on 1 hand and 1 foot Up on toes and hand in line with shoulders (Lift one hand up, Lift one foot up) Balance on 1 hand and 1 foot 2 Balance on opposite hand and opposite foot
Balance on your tummy holding your ankles 3 Bow Balance Balance on your tummy holding your ankles 4 Side Balance Balance on 1 hand and 2 feet on your side
5 6 Balance on 2 hands lifting your body off the ground Balance on 2 hands and 2 feet