Title: Erosion and Deposition Page #: 54 Date: 1/14/2013 Table of Contents Title: Erosion and Deposition Page #: 54 Date: 1/14/2013
Objective Students will be able to describe the relationship of gravity to the agents of erosion.
Word of the Day Gravity: A force of attraction between objects due to their masses.
Erosion and Deposition ***Erosion transports weathered materials across Earth’s surface until they are deposited.*** 3 Step Process: Weathering breaks rocks Erosion carries pieces away Deposition drops materials in another location
Erosion and Deposition Agents of erosion: Running water Glaciers Wind Ocean currents / waves Gravity - The most important!
Erosion and Deposition Gravity: Associated with most agents of erosion because it pulls materials down slope. Gravity causes streams and glaciers to flow and pulls loose sediments down slope.
Erosion and Deposition Glacial Erosion Stream Erosion
Erosion and Deposition Erosion by Water: Moving water is the most powerful agent of erosion. Wave Action: Erosion occurs along the ocean floor, at continental and island shorelines.
Erosion and Deposition Wave Action: Ocean currents, waves and tides Carve out cliffs and arches Form dunes and beaches on shorelines when particles accumulate.
Erosion and Deposition
Erosion and Deposition Erosion along shorelines A constant and continuous process. Sand along shorelines is picked up, moved and deposited by ocean currents. Creates sandbars that can grow into barrier islands. Common along Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Example: North Carolina’s Outer Banks.
Erosion and Deposition Outer Banks Barrier Island Sandbar
North Carolina’s Outer Banks Barrier Islands
Erosion and Deposition Erosion along shorelines Destroys shorelines by washing sand away. Erosion damage on Plum Island, MA