Implementation of Care and Support Reform


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Presentation transcript:

Implementation of Care and Support Reform Regional meetings – Care Act June/July 2014 To cover: The role of the Programme Management Office Context for the discussion today What the stocktake is telling us so far What the plans are for tools and support What support there will be for comms – a hot topic in discussion among local authorities A thanks to the region for organising

Content Context for implementation Key implementation milestones Our approach to implementation Headlines from 1st readiness stocktake Purpose of today Our plea

Context for change: financial pressures Councils are facing significant and increasing demand and financial pressure. Adult social care spending has fallen by c8.5% in real terms from 2011/12 to end of 2013/14 (2013/14 prices) Since 2011/12 central revenue support for councils has reduced by c10% each year (c39% by end of 2014/15). This is equivalent to a reduction in spending power of c4-5%. Impact varies locally – some councils have seen spending power reduce by c7% each year. Many councils have still given relative protection to ASC compared to some other services. Overall councils have reduced spending on ASC by c8.5% in real terms over three years to end 2013/14, consistent with 3% national efficiency assumption. User numbers have also reduced significantly over the SR period, particularly for +65s: 19% fewer over-65s receiving community care 2% fewer over-65s receiving residential/nursing care Reported outcomes and satisfaction have remained stable, but data limited to people receiving care. Overall councils have done very well in delivering savings whilst maintaining outcomes and satisfaction levels. However, picture varies locally and councils have relied on significant support from the NHS.

Key implementation milestones Introduction 2015 - Key milestones Date Introduction 2016 - Key milestones Other Milestones (Assurance/Context)    BCF draft plans Feb-14 Care Bill Royal Assent May-14 Local implementation stocktake Apr-14 BCF final plans Consult draft regulations, guidance and IAs Jun-14 L&D capacity planning tools & resources Consultation ends Aug-14 Consult allocations formulae for 15/16 Oct-14 Publish regulations, guidance and IA LA IT systems in place   Comms for people with care needs/carers Parliamentary debates on regulations Nov-14 Consult draft regulations, guidance and IA 2015/16 Finance Allocations Dec-14 Jan-15 Go Live Apr-15 General election May-15 Oct-15 Consult allocations formulae for 16/17 Oct-15  Public awareness campaign Dec-15 Apr-16

Our approach – Leadership & partnership Care and Support Reform Board oversees implementation and brings together those with specific implementation responsibility or system leadership role Supported by the unprecedented partnership between DH, ADASS and LGA Partnership ensures shared ownership and of a programme management approach to implementation Joint programme management office supports Board oversee planning for implementation and assurance Ian Turner from the Registered Nursing Homes Association has been seconded to the team on behalf of care providers.

Our approach – Co-production National and local co-production and engagement across the care sector will remain central to delivery Engagement with sector groups such as Think TLAP, TEASC, and provider / user groups essential for ongoing delivery Build new relationships with ADASS Policy Leads and Regional Leads and others to complement the partnership

Our approach – Implementation Support Co-produce a package of support to enable local authorities to prepare, plan and deliver the Care Act Focusing resource on areas of highest risk / impact where clear national role and no other investment Initial priorities identified as: Workforce; Communications; Informatics; Understanding implementation costs Stocktake survey of DASSs in every council which closed 21 May key evidence to inform our decisions Supporting regional activity which we see as a critical enabler to delivery of the reforms NB don’t need to run through every point on the following two slides but useful for people to have in their packs

Headlines from 1st readiness stocktake Almost all councils have a plan/programme Around 9/10 said they were fairly or very confident that they will be able to deliver Roughly 3/4 have started to estimate the number of requests for carers’ assessments, and most of those yet to complete this expect to have done so by January 2015 Roughly 3/4 have started to estimate the likely cost of implementing the Care Act in 2015/16, and most of those yet to start work on this expect to have done so by January 2015

Our approach - Communication Focus on implementation communications to share information and engage those responsible for delivery Regional activity is key to ensuring two-way engagement Delivery of a public awareness campaign to increase understanding of the reforms, how to access them and encourage behaviour change Phase 1 for people receiving care or about to (late 2014 - Apr 2016) “Locally driven with national support” – building on resources that can be adapted and used locally Effective communications to leaders and partners responsible for delivery and to users and carers on the changes coming will be key The types of support you might expect: A care costs calculator “what it means” leaflets Newspaper, poster & radio resources to be adapted locally Case studies for briefing local press

Purpose of today Direct conversations between local authorities, voluntary and private sector and DH to seek to views on how to improve the draft regulations and guidance Discussion about some of the more difficult implementation issues, with national colleagues and each other Thank you to all involved in setting up today’s event and to participants for willingness to give time to this important agenda

Our plea We want to hear what you are doing, the challenges you are facing, and how you are overcoming them We want to capture and share your learning and tools so others can benefit So that together we can… …support each other to implement these reforms …grasp this opportunity to shape care and support delivery for the next 30+ years!

Further information Care and support reform web pages: Enquiries, comments and to subscribe to bulletin: Please submit your comments on the draft regulations and guidance to:  or online at