Treated Effluent Reuse / Discharge Practices in Larnaca and Limassol Evi Theopemptou 10 December 2018
Photo of Cyprus 10 December 2018
The Town of Larnaca 10 December 2018
Cyprus’ Statistics Annual rainfall 460 mm Capacity of dams 300 million m3 Water demand per year 270 million m3 Water demand for agriculture 70% 10 December 2018
Total Effluent Production Now 5 urban WWTP operate 14,6 million m3 tertiary treated effluent produced yearly 8 % of water demand for agriculture By 2020 7 WWTP will operate 42 million m3 tertiary treated effluent will be produced yearly 23 % of water demand in agriculture 10 December 2018
Quality Characteristics Tertiary Treated Effluent Irrigation (excluding vegetables) Sea outfall BOD5 10 mg/l COD 70 mg/l SS TN 15 mg/l 10 mg/l sea or sensitive areas TP 2 mg/l sea or sensitive areas Chlorine residual 1 mg/l 0,5 mg/l 10 December 2018
Reuse Vs Discharge Reuse + Agricultural production Increase green areas Golf course irrigation Avoid sea pollution _ Storage Reservoirs Distribution costs Health risks Discharge + No investment in reservoirs and distribution networks _ Loss of natural and financial wealth Sea pollution 10 December 2018
Encouragement for re-use Pricing policy Source of water Cost of production (including distribution) Selling price per m3 Tertiary treated effluent (Larnaca WWTP) £0,173 £0,04 for farmers £0,09 for green areas £0,12 for golf courses Government network (dams and ground water) £0,11 variable – now £0,11 by 2007 for all uses except green areas (£0,20) Ground water extraction from aquifers recharged with treated effluent ? £0,045 for all uses 10 December 2018
Limassol WWTP 10 December 2018
Limassol Reuse/Discharge Scheme 2004 25 km transfer main from the east to the west side of Limassol 2004 production = 6,5 million m3 85% - irrigation of citrus plantations and fodder crops 15% - sea discharge 10 December 2018
Larnaca WWTP 10 December 2018
Larnaca Re-use scheme 2004 35 km irrigation mains operating under 9 atm pressure recycling 100% of effluent produced - 1,50 million m3 1,10 million m3 (73%) for fodder crops (clover and corn) 0,25 million m3 (17%) for football grounds 0,15 million m3 (10%) for hotel and municipal gardens 10 December 2018
Irrigated Corn Fields 10 December 2018
Irrigation with recycled water 10 December 2018
Thank you 10 December 2018