ANNOTATING/ANNOTATE/ANNOTATION…. …..What does it mean? Please take a moment to think, pair, and share.
ANNOTATING (PURPOSES) "Annotating is a permanent record of your intellectual conversation with the text.” -Remember that key information will vary according to genre and the reader's purpose, so make your own good plan.
How to properly annotate -Highlight, underline, circle important words in relation to the bigger picture -Use brackets to mark important passages/sections for re-reading *make a margin note about why you bracketed this section -Jot down predictions -Summarize important ideas in your own words -Write questions you may have -Circle words that are unusual to you and define in context (possible meaning) -Explain context (what is going on?) -Note any literary techniques (ones with which you are familiar)
HOW TO MAKE MARGIN NOTES - Use check marks, question marks, stars, arrows, brackets, and written words and phrases - Mark what is important, interesting, quotable, questionable, and so forth -Key information in fiction might include themes passages that relate to the book's title characters' names significant quotations important scenes, passages, and chapters