What are the Editors Objectives? More readers More excited readers More journal citations Higher impact factor Avoiding “grief” Managing scarce (& fickle) resources “Protecting” referees Matching referees to papers Maintaining/enhancing quality ……
What is the Hardest thing about getting Research Published? … ???
What is the Hardest thing about getting Research Published? …. convincing the Editor to care!
What is the Second Hardest thing about getting published?
What is the Second Hardest thing about getting published? …. Getting the Referee(s) to care!
What are Editors/Referees Looking For?
What are Editors/Referees Looking For? …. a lot!
Some Random Thoughts (1) “Hook” the Reader => Title/Abstract/Intro (2) Interesting Read => NOT “mystery novel” or “diary” (3) Fresh/up-to-date with “regional conversation” (4) Single country studies/ NOT US (5) Contemporary research design (6) “Economic significance” (7) Plausible alternative explanations (8) channels/ mechanisms (9) Relevance vs. Rigor (10) Connectivity