Field Trip Rules
Students who receive these grades on their most recent progress report or report card may not attend field trips: D+ D D- F N U
Students with zeroes may not attend field trips
Students with Demerits may not attend field trips
Bring: Watch and/or Cell Phone Lunch Money Extra Money if you want to buy Souvenirs
Be on Time
No one goes anywhere alone.
The Dress Code Applies
Do Not Bring Headphones / EarPhones / Earbuds
X On the Bus Stay in your seat Do not stand up Do not change seats Do not scream Do not use cell phones unless instructed
During the Tour: Keep a good attitude Do not use phones Stay with the group Do not lag behind Listen to your guide Do not whine that you are hungry or tired Do not use any vending machines Ask questions to anyone who helps your group Thank anyone who helps your group Ask questions
Do not let hunger ruin your attitude Do not ask when we are going to eat
Do not be a littering loser
Stay out of bike lanes
Do not be a loser stealer
Do not play on Elevators
Do not bother any animal life
Do not touch things in the bookstore that you have no intention of buying
Violators of the rules will not be allowed to attend the next field trip!
And . . . Have Fun !!!