Welcome to Back to School Night September 18, 2018 Susan Quan Room 13 First Grade
Classroom Goals My goal is to create a positive, hands-on learning environment that will promote independent learners and academic growth. Students will improve organizational skills, social skills, and study skills with the help of DRAGON binders.
Discipline Policy Room 13 has three class rules to ensure a fun and safe learning environment. Be Respectful Make Good Choices Be a Problem Solver Consequences: loss of sticker in DRAGON binders, loss of recesses, parent e-mail, principal referral
Report Cards First trimester progress reports – October 11 November Parent Conferences will be held the week of November 13th (before/after school). Google Drive document signups. Academic Grades will be S or N.
DRAGON Binders Money and Notes Daily Behavior Sticker Homework Study Guides DRAGON binders must return to school everyday. Please encourage your child to keep their binders organized!
Homework Policy Room 13’s Homework Plan can be found in the DRAGON binders Math Homework books will stay at home or in DRAGON binders. Daily reading. Record minutes in reading log. Spelling Menus are found in student binders. Practice daily; these do not need to be turned in. Reading comprehension
Reading/Writing New reading program Benchmark Advance 10 three-week units Whole group/Small group lesson design Strong Foundational Skills (phonics, high-frequency words) Reading for meaning (understanding content) Language Development Fluency and Expression
Math Expressions Big Ideas Add and subtract within 20, representing and solving problems Place value (tens and ones) Measurement (length and telling time) 2-D and 3-D geometric shapes
Science/Social Studies Science (Next Generation Science Standards) Properties of Light and Sound Sun, Moon, and Stars Plants and Animals: Survival and Growth Social Studies: Time and Place (w/ Mrs. De Luz) Integrated within reading selections in Benchmark reading program Weekly Readers (current events) District -adopted program (Scott Foresman)
P.E./Computer Lab P.E. required minutes: 200 minutes/10 days. P.E. class every Tuesday, Thursday, and alternating Fridays. Children need to wear appropriate shoes and clothing on these days Computer lab scheduled on alternating Fridays with Ms. Comendant.
Other Class Schedule Highlights Library every Wednesday; books due on Tuesdays. Clean Desk Club (last 30 minutes every other Friday) Students are rewarded for completing weekly work, maintaining a neat, organized desk, and exhibiting appropriate classroom behavior. This allows Ms. Quan to work individually with students who may require more guidance.
Field Trips and Class Activities Peace Pavilion October 2018 Chabot Space Center May 2018 Sulphur Creek animal presentations LHS science presentations Mad Science presentations All field trips and class presentations are funded with your voluntary donations. Thank you!
Parent/Teacher Communication E-mail is best! squan@fremont.k12.ca.us Voicemail: 657-6100 ext. 44013. I usually don’t have time to check voicemail until after school. Notes in DRAGON binder Monthly newsletters Leitch website: http://www.fremont.k12.ca.us/leitch Check out the first grade page and Ms. Quan’s page for copy of forms and updated information.