Senior English 4/16/18 What do you like most about the issue/element you are choosing to adapt? What do you like least? What do you get when you cross a chicken with a cement mixer? Hesh – short for “he and she.” Not widely accepted. Goals – Present Hamlet adaptations successfully. Homework - Start production activities for one-act plays and newpapers. A brick layer.
Why is Hamlet still relevant to students today? Senior English 4/17/18 Why is Hamlet still relevant to students today? What did the neck-tie say to the hat? Hirm – short for “him or her.” Not widely accepted. Goals – Continue to write your adaptations. And prepare your notes and scripts or articles. You go ahead, I’ll hang around.
What motivates you to do a good job? Senior English 4/18/18 What motivates you to do a good job? What did the mother broom say to the baby broom? Hizer – short for “his or her.” Not widely accepted. Goals – Continue preparation for SSP. It’s time to go to sleep.