WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD Select the text and write your word or phrase. Click on a speech bubble to make the text disappear. Click on reset to make the text reappear. Click on hide all to make all the text disappear. RESET HIDE ALL tekhnologic
WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD Select the text and write your word or phrase. Click on a speech bubble to make the text disappear. Click on reset to make the text reappear. Click on hide all to make all the text disappear. RESET HIDE ALL tekhnologic
WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD Select the text and write your word or phrase. Click on a speech bubble to make the text disappear. Click on reset to make the text reappear. Click on hide all to make all the text disappear. RESET HIDE ALL tekhnologic