DENSITY Q) Which weighs more:- A kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of iron? DENSITY Cobb 2018
What is Density Density is the amount of matter in a given space. Or how compact the mass is,in a given volume.
Calculating Density Equation: g or kg m V D Mass Density = Volume g/cm3 cm3 or ml D = m V
Which substance has a greater density? Aluminium Steel Brass Lead 27 cm3 27 cm3 27 cm3 27 cm3 471___g 271__g 87___ g 248___ g Lead Density is calculated Mass /Volume
Calculating Density This is showing the work!!!!! Steps Write what you know Write the formula being used Substitute variable into formula: Calculate Check that your units agree: g/cm3? Problem: A lead sinker has a mass of 227 g and a volume of 20 cm3. What is the density of lead? D=? M= 227g V=20 cm3 D = M/V = 227g/20 cm3 = 11.4 g/cm3
Try THIS! D=? M= 103g V=100 cm3 D = M/V = 103g/100 cm3 = 1.03 g/cm3 A glass of milk has a volume of 100 cm3. If the milk has a mass of 103 g, what is the density of milk? D=? M= 103g V=100 cm3 D = M/V = 103g/100 cm3 = 1.03 g/cm3
How is density useful? Density is useful for identifying substance 1. Density stays the same for any size or shape of the same substance. 2. Density is different for different substances.
DENSITY OF A REGULAR SOLID Find the Mass of the solid on a balance. Measure the three lengths and calculate the Volume. (ie V = l x w x h ) Calculate the Density. mass = 240 g 2.0 cm D = m = 240 =10.0 g/cm3 V 24 3.0 cm 4.0 cm
DENSITY OF AN IRREGULAR SOLID m = 360 g = m = 360 =12.0 g/cm3 V 30 Find the Mass of the solid on a balance. Fill the Measuring Cylinder with Water to a known Volume. Add the Object. Work out the Volume of Water that is displaced. Calculate the Density. 80 cm3 50 cm3
DENSITY OF AN IRREGULAR SOLID Video OR use a “Eureka Can” to find the Volume. Find the mass of the solid on a balance. Add water until just overflowing. Place a Measuring Cylinder under the spout. Add the Object. Collect the Water and read off the Volume. Calculate Density m = 440 g 40.0 cm3 = m = 440 =11.0 g/cm3 V 40
DENSITY OF A LIQUID Find the Mass of an empty Measuring Cylinder. Mass of Liquid = Mass of Measuring Cylinder and Liquid – Mass of the Measuring Cylinder Find the Mass of an empty Measuring Cylinder. Add a certain Volume of Liquid. Find the Mass of the Measuring Cylinder and Liquid Calculate the Mass of Liquid. How? Calculate Density of Liquid. 45.0 g 25.0 g 20.0 cm3 45 – 25 = 20 g = m = 20 =1.00 g/cm3 V 20
DENSITY OF A GAS Remove the air from a flask of a known Volume, using a vacuum pump. Find its Mass. Add the gas to be tested. Reweigh. The difference is the Mass of gas. Calculate Density. To vacuum flask 150.0 g 170.0 g 1000 cm3 170 -150 = 20.0g = m = 20 =0.0200 g/cm3 V 1000
Density ( Why do boats float? Watch the following Brain pop video, take notes, take the quiz Density (
5 facts about Density Write out an explanation to each fact in your notes!!!