The preparation sheet
Today WALT: Fill in the different sections of the preparation sheet, according to the assignment title presented to us.
The Assignment title Step 1 Write this assignment title: Rebecca is a 14 year-old teenager. She is very athletic and practices basketball 4 times a week. Prepare, cook and serve a dish suitable for her. Also serve a nutritious home-made drink.
Step 2 The choice of dish Penne al salmone Strawberry smoothie
The choice of work Step 3 Ingredients for penne al salmone: 100g wholegrain penne 50g onion 1 teaspoon olive oil 100g salmon 1 tablespoon parsley 50g ricotta 30ml skimmed milk Ingredients for strawberry smoothie: 230g frozen strawberries 230ml skimmed milk 1 tablespoon sugar 1 banana 8-10 ice cubes
Reasons for choice Step 4 The dish and the drink chosen answer the assignment title, as they are both healthy options and are suitable for an athletic person like Rebecca. Moreover they can be prepared in the time given. With regards to the nutritional value, the penne al salmone is rich in starch which gives Rebecca the energy that her body needs. Wholegrain penne will be used so as to provide fibre, needed to promote bowel health. The salmon is rich in omega 3 fats and HBV protein, the latter needed for the growth and repair of body cells and tissues.
Reasons for choice Step 4 Ricotta and skimmed milk will be used instead of cream, as they are both low in fat and high in calcium, a mineral needed for strong bones and teeth. No salt will be added so as to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. With regards to the drink, it is a healthy option as it is freshly made with strawberries which are rich in Vitamin C. A banana will be added as it contains potassium.
Reasons for choice Step 4 The dish and drink chosen are not very expensive to make, as very basic ingredients are used. Moreover local ingredients such as ricotta and strawberries will be used so as to promote the local economy. Furthermore, the chosen dish is well balanced in flavour, colours and textures. In fact, the pale colour of the ricotta will be complemented by the bright pinkish colour of the salmon . The chosen meal will also be presented on a laid table with decorations so as to make it more appealing.
Step 5 Time Plan 8:45 – 8:50: Wear apron and cap and wash hands. Wipe the table top and take out all ingredients and utensils. 8:50 – 9:00: Fill a saucepan with water and put on the hob on high heat. While the water is heating, start preparing the sauce. Chop the onion and salmon into cubes. Heat some olive oil in a frying pan and add the chopped onion. When it browns, add the salmon. 9:00 – 9:05: Check the boiling water. If it is boiling, add the pasta. Stir the salmon and onion mixture with a wooden spoon.
Step 5 Time Plan 9:05 – 9:15: In another mixing bowl, beat the ricotta and the milk until creamy. Add to the salmon mixture until the ricotta heats up. Turn off the heat. 9:15 – 9:30: Check the pasta, and if it is al dente turn off the heat. Drain the pasta with a colander and mix with the sauce. Cover the pasta to keep warm. 9:30 – 9:45: Wipe the table top and do the washing up. 9:45-9:55: Prepare the drink by putting all the ingredients in a blender. Pour into glass.
Step 5 Time Plan 9:55 – 10:05: Put the pasta on a serving plate. Lay the table and serve the food and drink. Do any remaining washing up and pack up.
Shopping and equipment list Step 6 Shopping and equipment list Meat or Fish: 100g fresh salmon Groceries: 1 pkt wholegrain penne 1 bottle olive oil 1 tub ricotta 1 carton skimmed milk 1 pkt sugar Fruits & Veg: 1 small crate strawberries Bunch bananas
Shopping and equipment list Step 6 Shopping and equipment list Equipment & Appliances: Saucepan Frying pan Colander Wooden spoon Mixing bowl Tablespoon Fork Knife Equipment & Appliances: Chopping board Chopping knife Serving plate Serving glass Cooker hob Blender Apron and cap Decoration items
Step 7 Evaluation Positive points: I am very happy with the outcome of the practical. The chosen dish was very nutritious as it was a good source of carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and calcium. The smoothie was also a rich source of vitamin C and potassium. So as to increase the fibre content, I also decided to use wholegrain pasta. I am also satisfied with how the dish turned out. It had a nice cream and pinkish colour and fresh parsley was used to make the pasta look more appetizing. The texture and the flavour were very positive too. It tasted good, and the pasta had a soft and creamy texture, as it should be.
Step 7 Evaluation Positive points: I also used the appropriate equipment and didn’t have any difficulty to chop the onion and the salmon. Although it was my first time of using a blender, I used it with confidence. Safety was always kept in mind, as I kept a close eye while chopping the ingredients and while using the cooker
Step 7 Evaluation Negative points and points for improvement: Something which I would like to improve on is the organisation of work and the washing up, My working area wasn’t always organised and I left all the washing up for the end of the practical. Therefore I need to improve my time management too. I would also like to be more creative when it comes to the laying of the table and the presentation of the meal. Apart from the table cloth I could have also used more decorations such as flowers and candles to make the table look nicer.