Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
Welcome We would like to welcome you to our Year 6 Assembly Welcome We would like to welcome you to our Year 6 Assembly. To begin with, we would like to say a sincere thank you to all the teachers and staff at St Joseph’s.
Many pupils in year 6 have enjoyed learning to play a musical instrument. Abigail will now play a violin piece especially for us.
Take a look now at our French Trip Our year group has always loved the great outdoors. We remember all the teachers who took us for after-school clubs, took us to sports matches and took us on sleepovers and residential trips. Take a look now at our French Trip
Young Apprentice How did we do? Let’s look at our after-school sale and Market Day.
100% Attendance Awards
Charlie will now play a piece on the piano especially for us.
Mrs Liney’s Choir Trophies Music Awards Mrs Liney’s Choir Trophies
Next we have a photo montage of some of the adventures that we have enjoyed in our primary school years. Wheelie Wednesday and other Memories
A dance by Gabbie and Niamh
Sports Awards
Here is another short clip of our trip to the Bowling Alley and other adventures.
When I grow up…
This is Me
Final Prayer: Evie God, our Father, we ask you to bless the year 6 pupils as they leave school. May they always value the gifts of friendship, care and compassion. May they always be sensitive to the needs of others. Amen
We would now like to hand over to Mr James We would now like to hand over to Mr James. We hope you enjoyed our assembly.
We will miss you and we will always remember you in our prayers. The year 6 pupils will now leave our assembly for the very last time. Thank you again to each and every one of you for making our primary school experience so very special. We will miss you and we will always remember you in our prayers.