By: Charlotte Perkins Gilman The Yellow Wallpaper By: Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Background Knowledge Written in 1890 Example of “new literature” Emerged in the late 1800s Women’s voices began to be heard No longer repressed
Before “new literature” Women’s lives were ruled by their: Husbands Place in society Social rank in society
What’s Wrong??? Women suffered from variety of physical and mental disorders Fatigue Depression Most of those sufferers were from the non-working middle and upper classes
Medical Treatment If treated and no “source” could be determined as a carrier the diagnosis: Vague, trivial nervous condition How did they cure them? Isolation Prolonged rest
Gender Bias Doctor’s felt that the source of the problem lied within gender Women are: Weak Emotionally unstable
How the story is told… The narrator tells the story through her own eyes; the eyes of a person with a diagnosed nervous condition 1st person point of view Based on journal entries about her own experiences Distorted Unexplained events Reader must make inferences based on details about her life from her journal entries
1st person POV Advantages Disadvantages Reader is pulled in by the thoughts and feelings expressed by the narrator A first hand glimpse is provided into the life of the narrator and his/her own world Reader only gets to know the narrators side of the story Character depth is left only one-sided and shallow