20 min. to work on KR chart with your partner


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Presentation transcript:

20 min. to work on KR chart with your partner Due in two weeks

Discussion in your small groups Chapters 14- 20

Quotes to discuss

"A boy who won't stand up for himself becomes a man who can't stand up to anything" (p. 22). How does this quote apply to both Baba and Amir throughout the book, chapters 1-19, so far?

Rahim Kahn to Amir: “Come. There is a way to be good again.” How does this quote apply to Amir throughout the book, chapters 1-19, so far?

Rahim Kahn to Amir about why Amir needs to go rescue Sohrab from the orphanage: “And why you? I think we both know why it has to be you, don't we?” -- Rahim Khan (Chapter 17)   What does this quote reveal about Rahim and his knowledge/understanding of Amir?

Symbols to discuss

The Pomegranate Tree: two Versions– Symbol of?

Kites?!? A Symbol of?

Hassan as a “Sacrificial Lamb”


Chapter 14 brings us back to the opening of the book: the telephone call from Rahim Khan. How do you feel about Rahim Khan? Discuss Amir’s reaction. How did YOU react to the call? Chapter 14

Chapter 15 This chapter has LOTS to talk about: Which character is dying? Who has taken over Afghanistan and what is the impact on the people? What are Amir’s thoughts and feelings here? How do you feel about Rahim now? Chapter 15

What happened to Hassan? Discuss Hassan’s letters to Amir:    Who are Farzana & Sohrab? Discuss Hassan’s letters to Amir: Chapters 16-17-18

Discuss events relating to the Taliban and the city of Marzar-i-Sharif:

How does the cliché, "like father, like son" mentioned on page 226, relate to Baba and Amir? Chapter

Who is Farid and what role does he play in Amir’s return? When Farid said, "You've always been a tourist here, you just didn't know it," (p. 232), what did he mean? What is Farid's impression of emigrant Afghans who return to visit Afghanistan?

Does it make sense, now that you know? Why? How does Hosseini use previous chapters to FORESHADOW / hint at a secret which is revealed in chapters 17-18? What are the hints? What is the secret? Does it make sense, now that you know? Why? Secrets Revealed:

Tomorrow’s two possible essay questions

Essay option #1: In the novel The Kite Runner, Hosseini works hard to create VISUAL symbols to help the reader better understand the relationship between Amir and Hassan. Using the pomegranate tree, kites, and the slingshot, explain how each is a VISUAL SYMBOL of both the quality and status of the relationship between the two boys. ********* In your conclusion, give an explanation as to WHY these symbols are effective for most readers.

Essay option #2 In the novel The Kite Runner, Hosseini works hard to foreshadow the fact that Hassan and Amir are truly “brothers.” Using chapters 1-18, locate THREE examples of foreshadowing developed by Hosseini which are designed to lead the reader toward understanding that Amir and Hassan are brothers in every sense of the word. ********* In your conclusion, explain how the reader’s perception of Amir and his actions [ and LACK of action] changes once we understand they are brothers.