Lesson One
1. The speaker had to wait for the applause to abate before continuing.
v. To become weaker; to decrease Unabated: showing no sign of weakening/decrease
2. Did the police officer acknowledge your right to remain silent?
v. To admit the existence of
2. The new Wimbledon singles champion raised her hand to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.
v. To express recognition or thanks for.
3. The author’s agent found a company to publish his latest mystery story
n. A person who acts or does business for another.
3. A new principal can be a powerful agent for change in a school.
n. something/someone that brings about a result.
4. Only the congress of the United States has the authority to declare war.
n. The right to give orders, make decisions, or take action.
4. The researcher Jane Goodall is a world authority on chimpanzees.
n. An expert source of information Authorities: a group of people who have the right to enforce laws (like the government).
5. Farmers in California fear that the lack of rain will devastate their crops.
v. To ruin or destroy completely n. Devastation – The earthquake in Japan created a scene of massive devastation.
6. The flu epidemic of 1918 killed over twenty million people in the Northern Hemisphere.
n. The rapid spreading of a disease to many people at a time. adj. Epidemic – Ebola became epidemic in some parts of Africa.
7. The mechanic’s estimate for repairing the car is $1000.
n. A number that is not exact; a careful guess. v. Estimate – We estimate that it will take us more than an hour to drive to the airport.
8. The landlord threatened to evict the tenants for not paying the rent.
v. To force out of property by taking legal action. n. eviction
9. A judge should be impartial in the courtroom.
adj. not favoring one side more than another; fair.
10. The more industrious workers in the factory were rewarded with pay raises at the end of the year.
adj. Hardworking; not lazy
11. A slow computer often infuriates her.
v. To make very angry
12. His irrelevant comments drove the teacher crazy.
adj. having nothing to do with the subject. n. Irrelavance
13. Do you know the precise time that your bus arrives?
adj. exact; accurate n. Precision – An eye surgeon’s work requires great precision.
14. Their offer to make us rich turned out to be a sham.
n. Something fake or false. adj. – Although he tried to appear sorry, his sham apology fooled no one. v. To pretend – We shammed illness so we could stay home.
15. The hikers were exhausted after their trek over the mountain.
n. A long, slow, and difficult journey. v. Sam trekked ten miles into town after his car broke down.