Do you hear me? Student voice, academic success and retention
The Office of Student Advocacy (OSA) is a collaborative communication strategy that helps the student voice reach decision makers. The student voice is limited unless university staff speak with, not for the students.
The OSA project aims for real change, greater success and empowered environments for students to work and learn. The right support will empower students to be agents for change and speak as one.
The OSA provides advocacy that teaches the students to engage and own the process. OSA provides a service that will: Support students with independent advice, support and advocacy on issues that negatively affect their academic performance, Act in the students best interest at all times, Uphold the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness, Support students if there has been a breach of UoN policy or procedure, Support students in putting their best case forward if appealing UoN decisions, Provide educational resources for students in issue resolution/advocacy skills, and Inform UoN of ongoing issues that require a university response to improve the academic experience of students.
SEDOSA Student Entities, Dean of Students and Office of Student Advocacy A collaboration that helps DOS and OSA understand what it really is students struggle with and provides advice and training that will help student reps speak for everyone, not just themselves.
This new initiative has provided UoN students with a renewed hope of being heard and seeing change. The OSA project believes that having a strong student voice will ultimately lead to student success.