May 20, 2010 Class 201 OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators. AIM: How does our understanding of improper fractions help us when we add and subtract mixed numbers? STANDARDS: 5.N.22 PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Add and change to a mixed number if necessary:
Mini Lesson: When we add improper fractions, we keep the denominators the same and just add the numerators, just like any other fraction addition. Example We can then convert our answer to a mixed number
When we add mixed numbers, we add the whole number parts first, then the fraction parts. If the fraction part becomes an improper fraction, we change it to a mixed number and add the whole number parts again, then the fraction parts again. Example
Another example
GROUP WORK Try these with your desk partner. Write your answers in your notebook.
INDEPENDENT WORK Now do these by yourself while I visit your desk and answer any questions.