Converting Between Fractions & Decimals
Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions Use the rule: Denominator Times Whole Number Plus Numerator over Denominator Whole Number SIMPLIFY the fraction if necessary!
Converting Fractions to Decimals To convert a fraction to a decimal, use LONG DIVISION. Example: Remember: Top Dog in the house. The number on top goes in the division house.
Converting Decimals to Fractions terminating decimals To convert a decimal to a fraction, use a PLACE VALUE TABLE to write the number. Example: 8.17 TENS ONES TENTHS HUNDREDTHS THOUSANDTHS 8 1 7 ● The NAME of the place value tells us the denominator !
Repeating Decimals!!! Example: Let How many digits appear under the repetition line? 2 So multiply each side by 1 followed by 2 zeros (100). or Now subtract x from both sides and solve the equation: _____________
Repeating Decimals!!! Example: Let How many digits appear under the repetition line? 3 So multiply each side by 1 followed by 3 zeros (1000). or Now subtract x from both sides and solve the equation: _______________
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