Extremely High Throughput (EHT) 802.11 – Way forward Month Year Doc Title Extremely High Throughput (EHT) 802.11 – Way forward Authors: Date: 2018-07-12 Name Affiliation Address Phone Email Laurent Cariou Intel 2111 NE 25th Ave, Hillsboro OR 97124, USA +1-503-712-5560 laurent.cariou@intel.com Laurent Cariou, Intel John Doe, Some Company
Summary of discussions this week Many presentations on features Among them: Many are confirming the existing features and clarifying what is understood as being in the scope with the simple wording of the TIG motion Some are asking for considering new features, and among new features, the one that was highlighted the most is Multi-AP coordination All agree that we want to move to study group at the end of this meeting. Slide 2 Laurent Cariou, Intel
Motion to start SG 2 main concepts for the SG motion: One that lists some features as we started doing for TIG formation, while saying “but not limited to” Reason for listing the features is to help set the agenda and priorities in the SG, not to preclude anything One that does not list features Let’s straw poll each of these motion texts and compare Y-N. The best is the one the group should agree on.
EHT study group motion proposal 1 (Laurent) with indications on candidate features Approve the formation of the 802.11 Extremely High Throughput (EHT) study group to consider development of a Project Authorization Request (PAR) and Criteria for Standards Development (CSD) for 1 to 7.125 GHz operation With the primary objective of increasing throughput to support high throughput applications such as video-over-WLAN, AR and VR. Candidate features include but are not limited to: 320 MHz bandwidth, multiband aggregation and operation, 16 spatial streams and Multi-AP coordination SP: Do you support using the above text as the motion text for EHT study group creation? Y 72 / N 43 / A 25 Laurent Cariou, Intel
EHT study group motion proposal 2 (Ron) without features (from Ron’s slides 1263r1) Move to approve formation of an EHT SG (Extreme High Throughput Study Group) to develop a Project Authorization Request (PAR) and a Criteria for Standards Development (CSD) for a new 802.11 amendment for operating in the bands between 1 to 7.125 GHz, with the primary objectives: To increase peak throughput and improve efficiency To support high throughput and low latency applications such as video-over- WLAN, gaming, AR and VR With target start of the task group in May 2019 SP: Do you support using the above text as the motion text for EHT study group creation? Y 101 / N 40 / A 11 Laurent Cariou, Intel
Proposed EHT motion Move to approve formation of an EHT SG (Extreme High Throughput Study Group) to develop a Project Authorization Request (PAR) and a Criteria for Standards Development (CSD) for a new 802.11 amendment for operating in the bands between 1 GHz and 7.125 GHz, with the primary objectives: To increase peak throughput and improve efficiency To support high throughput and low latency applications such as video-over- WLAN, gaming, AR and VR With target start of the task group in May 2019 Laurent Cariou, Intel