Transitional Healthcare Benefit TRICARE Element 41 | Page 197
Transitional Assistance Management Program Provides Tricare-like services to Service member and family in transition. 180 days. Pay quarterly premiums and deductibles for care.
Eligibility and Time Frames for Transitional Health Care Transitional Health Care is not automatic. Must verify / update DEERS. Involuntarily separated with an SPD code designating benefit. Activated in support of contingency operation. Sole survivorship discharge. Served Active Duty and joins Selected Reserve.
Health Insurance Marketplace Helps uninsured people find health coverage. Helps Veterans who aren’t enrolled in VA benefits and health. Helps dependents that aren’t eligible for VA get coverage.
Community Based Warrior Transition Units (CBWTUS) Allows recuperating warrior to live at home with nearby medical facilities while remaining Active Duty.
Retirees May enroll 90 days prior. TRICARE Prime - Annual enrollment fee. Assigned a Primary Care Manager. TRICARE Select - Does not require referrals.
Retirees (Cont’d) US Family Health Plan (USFHP) Tricare Program offered to military beneficiaries. TRICARE Young Adult (TYA) Unmarried adult children that age out of Regular TRICARE. (After age 21)
CONTINUED HEALTH CARE BENEFIT PROGRAM CHCBP Temporary coverage for 18-36 months Acts as bridge between military and civilian health plan Same coverage as TRICARE select. (includes prescriptions) Provides minimum essential coverage required by ACA. If eligible, CHCBP can be purchased within 60 days of loss of TRICARE.
Resources TRICARE: 1-844-866-9378 US Family Health Plans: http:/// Marketplace Health Care for Military Vets: 1800-318-2596
Local Resources Naval Health Clinic Lemoore 559-998-4481