Database Management System CEN 351
Course Description A database management system (DBMS) is a computer application program designed for the efficient and effective storage, access and update of large volumes of information. This course will look at such systems from two perspectives: A user-centered perspective focusing on how a DBMS is used to support a data intensive application. This perspective includes a look at the common data models, query languages and design techniques. A system implementation perspective focusing on the policies, algorithms and data structures used to design and implement a DBMS.
Course Objectives Develop an appreciation of the role of data and databases in information systems. Understand the database development activities during the System Development Cycle (SDLC) Be familiar with the data modelling concepts (E-R and Class diagrams) used in database design. Be able to create databases and pose complex SQL queries of relational databases. Develop appreciation of several DBMSs (MS SQL Server) Be familiar with a broad range of data management issues including data integrity and security.
Course Outcomes An understanding of the basic concepts and theoretical knowledge of relational database systems. A comprehensive skill of data modelling using the entity- relationship modelling technique as well as converting data models into correctly normalized relational database designs. Having ability of retrieving useful data from an database by using complicated queries in the standard SQL database query language. Competence in the issues involved in physical database design as well as database security and performance. An understanding and administering of most common DBMSs
Course Content 1.Course Introduction 2.Database System Concepts and Architecture 3.Data Modeling Using the Entity Relationship(ER) Model 4.ER Diagrams, Design Issues 5.Enhanced Entitiy-Relationship Model 6.Relational Data Model 7.Relational Database Concepts 8.Relational Database Design by ER ande EER to Relational Mapping 9.Midterm 10.SQL: Definition and Data Types 11.Queries in SQL 12.Advanced Queries in SQL 13.Data Manipulation in SQL 14.Distributed Databases and Client Server Architecture
Course Assesment MethodQuantityPercentage(%) Quiz215 Homework410 Project120 Midterm Exam(s)115 Final Exam140 Total100
Teaching Methods and TextBook Teaching Methods Lectures, Practical Sessions, Presentation, Project, Assignments Textbook Fundamental of DBMS, 5 th Edition,Elmastri/Navathe