Holiday Gifts for Better Sensual Activity


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Presentation transcript:

Holiday Gifts for Better Sensual Activity

The ho-ho-holidays are almost here, and that means that men need to be putting serious thought into the gifts they give to their partners. While most partners expect gifts in a traditional style, many also would enjoy at least one or two gifts with a specific focus – such as helping a couple to enjoy even better sensual activity. One easy gift for men to give in this area is that of male organ health, which helps to create conditions for better sensual activity. But there are some more tangible better sensual activity gifts which can also be investigated.

Among some better sensual activity gift suggestions are the following: Edible underwear. Sure, the holidays mean feasting on too much food – but few couples are too full to indulge their sensual appetites in bed. With that in mind, consider edible underwear – perhaps a his-and-hers pack – to help add a little something extra to holiday sensual romps. A similar option men may want to try: wrapping fruit strips around their tumescent manhood to give it a candy cane-like appearance and inviting their partner to lick away.

Vibrating toy. It’s a classic sensual toy, and with good reason. The sensations that occur when a vibrating toy is rubbed against a male or female organ can be intense and thrilling. Vibrating toys can make pre- penetration play feel like play instead of work (as it often is for some men). While the traditional male organ-shaped vibrating toy is always an option, couples may also want to consider a vibrating male organ ring as well. Not only can this aid a man in gaining a tumescence, the vibrating feeling when the manhood is inserted into the female organ can be magnificent. Remote control vibrating toys or posterior massagers are also worth a go, as it can be significantly exciting for a partner to feel a vibrating toy inside of them which is being controlled by their mate.

Role play equipment. Warning: It’s best to have discussed a partner’s interest in role play activities before moving forward with these gifts. Role play equipment can be as simple as a set of handcuffs to as elaborate as a full dungeon mistress (or master) ensemble. Before using role play equipment, of course, a couple needs to make sure both participants are comfortable with the idea and establish ground rules (such as safe words). Massage oils. What feels better than a loved one’s hands kneading one’s tensed-up muscles and getting a person to feel good and relaxed and receptive to coupling? It can be even better if scented or flavored massage oils are used.

Male organ molding kit. Couples hate it when they have to be apart. With a male organ molding kit, a man can be sure that his partner will have a very personal memento to remember him by when he’s away on an extended trip. These kits make a mold of a guy’s member, which can then be filled out with an appropriate material. Some even make vibrating versions of a man’s member – even better for keeping a lovely partner company at night.

The holidays are a great time to give gifts for encouraging better sensual activity. It’s also a perfect time to commit to maintaining better male organ health, and regular application of a top drawer male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be just the ticket for attaining this worthy goal. To stay ahead of the game, be sure to select a creme that contains a wide range of vitamins, including A, B5,C, D and E. Applying the vitamins in a topical crème directly to the manhood helps deliver their benefits more directly to the organ itself. The crème should also be able to help maintain proper member sensitivity, so find one with L-carnitine. This amino acid is neuroprotective and helps maintain proper sensation even when the manhood endures very rough handling.Man 1 Man Oil