Male Organ Sensation Protection: Common Sense Tips.


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Sensation Protection: Common Sense Tips

Clearly, there are numerous reasons to practice appropriate male organ health strategies, including the fact that a healthier manhood is likely to simply function on a more acceptable level. Male organ health includes maintaining male organ sensation at a level such that the physical manipulation of the member, by whatever means, produces pleasurable reactions in a man. Of course, as with other aspects of the organ, male organ sensation can be diminished – so guys are encouraged to follow these tips which can help to better protect desirable male organ sensation.

Tips - Lubrication is an important male organ ally. Whether self-pleasure or penetrating, a fellow needs to be sure that there is sufficient lubrication so that his member doesn’t get rubbed raw. Sensual activity without sufficient lubrication can damage the delicate nerves in the manhood which are responsible for creating the glorious sensations that really are a primary motivating factor for having sensual activity. Sure, sometimes in the moment, wild, uninhibited, unlubricated sensual activity can feel great and can produce an intense release – but the damage it can do can make subsequent excursions less pleasurable, and there can be a significant time delay before appropriate sensitivity has been restored.

- Wear the right size rubber. A rubber that is too tight or too loose can be uncomfortable (and can interfere with the effectiveness of the rubber), but it can also affect male organ sensation. A too tight rubber may press too hard on the nerve endings; a too loose one can rub and irritate those endings as well. Getting the proper fit is essential – even if it means a guy has to admit to being of average size rather than extra large. - Underwear is there – use it. Sure, every so often it can be fun to “go commando” and walk around with no underwear underneath one’s trousers. But trouser fabric is rougher than soft cotton underwear, and too much time with an “unfurnished basement” can result in the member rubbing away sensitivity.

- But make sure it fits right. So wearing underwear is key – but not underwear that is too tight. When the gear is too snug, it can impede proper blood circulation, which can in turn lead to a feeling of numbness in the manhood. This doesn’t mean a guy has to avoid briefs and wear only loose-fitting boxers – just to make sure that the tighty whiteys aren’t TOO tight.

- Switch things up. Variety in terms of how the member is handled can help keep male organ sensation intact. This is generally more important in self-pleasure than in coupling; when engaged in coupling, even if the same position is used frequently, there is some slight variation in angle, force of thrust, etc. But often with self-pleasure, a guy follows a very set pattern which can “wear down” the manhood. Adding some variety to the routine by switching hands, concentrating on a different part of the member, adding in sensual toys, relaxing the grip a bit, or rubbing the manhood with a soft, smooth fabric can help prevent a guy from self- pleasure away valuable male organ sensitivity.

Another of our tips for maintaining proper male organ sensation also benefits general male organ health: simply make the application of a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) part of one’s daily regimen. It is essential that the chosen crème contains an ingredient which plays a role in maintaining male organ sensation, such as L-carnitine. This amino acid is neuroprotective and a welcome boost to keeping the manhood proper sensitized. It also helps to find a crème that contains a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. By reducing excess free radicals and fighting oxidative stress, this antioxidant helps strengthen manhood skin so that it is more resilient. Man 1 Man Oil