7 Common Male Organ Problems and How to Solve Them.


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Presentation transcript:

7 Common Male Organ Problems and How to Solve Them

Even the best-behaved male organ has issues from time to time. However, things happen, and male organ problems pop up. Here are seven common problems men have with their members and how to solve them.

#1: Painful Urination Painful urination is a very common male organ problem. There are several potential reasons for painful urination such as: Urinary tract infection Prostate infection Kidney stones Medication sensitivity STDs Allergic reactions If a man is suffering from painful urination, it’s best to see a doctor as soon as possible to get a diagnosis since most causes will need medical intervention.

#2: Delayed release Most men pride themselves on how long they can last sensually. However, if a man fails to spillage after 30 minutes or more, they may have either a temporary or chronic case of delayed release. Several things can cause this phenomenon including some things as: Stress Depression Anxiety Diabetic neuropathy Urinary Tract Infection Hypothyroidism Prostate surgery

Damage to the nerves of the spinal cord or pelvic area Medications Alcohol If delayed release is a problem that happens more than once, it’s a good idea to see a doctor for a consultation. If it is mental health related, consider seeing a counselor

#3: Early on release The opposite of delayed release, early on release is a male organ problem that afflicts many a man throughout his life. Early on release is considered release with minimal penetration or immediately after penetration. Possible treatment for early on release includes sensual therapy, psychotherapy, and topical or oral medications. There are also special exercises men can do to help prolong sensual contact before release.

#4: Peyronie’s disease Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which a man’s member bends too far to the left or right, generally 20 degrees or more. This makes harness painful and can also make urination uncomfortable. Peyronie’s disease is the result of inflammation and accumulation of abnormal scar tissue around the reproductive tissue. It’s said that Peyronie’s disease affects twenty percent of men, mostly over the age of 40. Treatment of Peyronie’s can include topical creams, injections, implants, pumps, traction, and surgery. Treatment results vary, but the pain usually disappears after the first 6 months post-diagnosis.

#5: Genital discharge Discharge from the male organ usually indicates inflammation of the urethra. This discharge can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and yeasts which infiltrate the urethra and cause inflammation and discharge. The discharge can be clear or bloody, thick or thin, and odorless or funky. The most common reason for discharge is partner transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma, trichomoniasis, and ureaplasma. Since medical intervention is required for all conditions, refrain from intimacy and see a doctor immediately for diagnosis.

#6: Jock itch Jock itch is a common male organ problem that affects men, both jocks and non-jocks alike. Jock itch is caused by a fungus or bacteria overgrowth in the genital area. It causes itching, pain, odor, and a rash and is highly contagious. Treating jock itch is pretty easy. Keep the area clean and dry and use an anti-fungal cream for two to four weeks. If it continues for over four weeks, see a doctor for a prescription.

#7: Reproductive dysfunction From time to time, it’s normal for a man to have trouble getting hard. However, if it’s a more frequent occurrence, it might be ED. It can be caused by several factors including age, medication, medical conditions, or trauma to the private area. It can be treated quite effectively using medications, intimate therapy, supplements, and genital implants. That said, if ED is caused by a medical condition, it’s most important to treat the root cause before treating the symptoms.

One of the best ways to prevent male organ problems is to perform a daily member health regimen. This should include a thorough cleaning of the member every day followed by application of a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). These special crèmes contain natural ingredients for moisture like Shea butter and vitamin E. They also contain other vitamins like A, B, C, and D to which provide antibacterial protection, cellular strength, promote strong firmness, and contribute to overall male organ health.Man 1 Man Oil