What Causes Damaged Nerves in the Male Organ and How to Treat and Prevent Them
Member nerve damage can be a real show-stopper. In one sense, it can rob the male organ of sensitivity, making even a one-man-show a no-go. In another sense, the pain and lightening of it can make a man stop dead in his tracks from the pain. Damaged nerves in the male organ can not only lead to a lot of unhappy outcomes but it can also be different from man to man, so figuring out what is causing numbness or fiery tingles can make a man think about the worst-case scenarios. Here are a few of the most common symptoms of member nerve damage, what may cause them, and then how to treat and prevent damaged nerves in the male organ.
Damaged Nerves in the Male Organ: Symptoms and Signs Member nerve damage can feel different depending on the person and situation. The most common signs of damaged nerves in the male organ are a loss of sensitivity in the member, numbness, and a lack of reaction when stroked or touched. However, those aren’t the only signifiers of member nerve damage. Men can also experience a tingling feeling that can intensify into a “pins and needles” sensation, burning or chilling and a bluish color.
Damaged Nerves in the Male Organ: Common Causes Member nerve damage can be caused by a host of things; sometimes it’s even caused by more than one factor (such as obesity and age) which makes it harder to reverse until underlying factors are dealt with. Member Trauma – The world often looks to the mighty phallus as a symbol of strength and an instrument of conquering. However, the male organ is actually quite delicate and can be injured easily. Repeated traumas to the male organ cause scar tissue which is the enemy of sensitivity. A few activities that can lead to member trauma are intimacy, intense workouts, excessive and rough self-pleasure, cycling, chafing, and over or improper use of adult sensual aids.
Age – As men hit 40, they may find their libido wane slightly and a loss of sensation in their male organ. Male harness is dependent on blood flow. The blood vessels that direct blood flow in and out of the male organ slow with age. Obesity – Too much weight literally weighs on the pelvic floor and can lead to nerve damage. Those men who hold weight in their core area are especially at risk. “Low T” – This cause is very common for men over 40. As men age, male hormone levels decline and result in diminished drive and loss of sensation during intimacy.
Nerve Damaging Diseases – Nerve damaging diseases such as diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, lupus, HIV, Lyme Disease, Peyronie’s Disease, and Hepatitis C can affect the male organ. These diseases are all linked to neuropathy. Sometimes medications used to treat these disease states can cause numbness or make the tingling sensation worse.
Damaged Nerves in the Male Organ: Treatment and Prevention Member nerve damage can be reversed in many cases. That said, if nerve damage is the result of something like obesity, disease, or Low T, it’s best to treat the root cause of the issue first to promote optimal health before dealing with symptoms. This can be losing weight, trying new medications or lifestyle changes, or taking hormone to bring the body to a harmonious place. Some men will choose to take a medication that improves their sensitivity once they address the bigger issues. Prevention should be a priority for all men, regardless of age. Protect the tender member when engaging in intimacy or competitive sports. Men who cycle should alter seat angles and implement padded things such as seats or shorts to reduce pressure on the male organ.
Men should also be sure they are practicing regular member health and hygiene. Create a foundation based on giving the male organ regular thorough, gentle cleansing with a mild cleanser and warm water. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Then use a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep the male organ strong and ready for action. This crème is particularly helpful as it contains vital ingredients designed specifically for male organ health like vitamins A, C, D and E, and L-Carnitine which protects against peripheral nerve damage, which is all contained in a natural Shea butter base. Men can expect not only hydration but the ultimate in member skin care.Man 1 Man Oil