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The Promise of Knowledge Management (KM) Center for Scientific Review National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services Brent Stanfield Acting Director
The Road to Paperless Review - Present - Scanning Applications All paper applications submitted to NIH are now scanned into digital format The grant image is available to NIH staff Many achieved grant files at NIH have been scanned NIH has been moving its internal grants business processes towards using electronic grant images Applications on CDs Review staff order appropriate number of CDs containing applications that will be reviewed in their study section Lightweight portable CDs sent to reviewers rather than bulky and wasteful paper copies
The Road to Paperless Review - Present - Internet Assisted Review (IAR) NIH is currently using an online peer review tool that is a component of NIH eRA Commons and integrated with the computer-based information system of the extramural program (IMPAC II) IAR enhances the review process by allowing reviewers to read each other's critiques prior to the study section meeting IAR makes the study section meeting more efficient by allowing the SRA/Chair to better budget discussion time System will become a single point of access for all materials associated with a review meeting making any mail out of materials (including CDs) obsolete
The Road to Paperless Review - Present - Need to scan paper applications Scanned images are black & white and relatively low quality Work processes associated with scanning make electronic versions of applications in our system available only shortly before mail out to reviewers
The Road to Paperless Review - Very Near Future - Electronic Receipt On February 1, 2005 NIH will allow applicants to electronically submit R01, R03, and R21 applications that have modular budgets and no sub-contract Some information about electronically submitted applications will be captured automatically to populate data fields within NIH electronic data management systems, reducing staffing requirements and time needed for processing Electronic receipt will result in automatically captured data ready for further manipulation
The Age of Electronic Receipt New Opportunities Knowledge Management (KM)
The Age of Electronic Receipt New Opportunities: Knowledge Management Source Text 1 e.g., Abstracts of applications reviewed by CSR study sections over past year (sorted by study section) -- Study Section 1 - N Source Text 2 e.g., Abstracts of an application to be reviewed Fingerprint Study Section _--- -__- __- ---_-_- _---_- _-_ _--- -__- __- ---_-_- _---_- _-_---- Study Section N Abstract _--- -__- __- ---_-_- _---_- _-_---- Compare Ordered best fit Map or List
Receipt and Referral Process The Age of Electronic Receipt New Opportunities: Knowledge Management
Receipt Process The Age of Electronic Receipt Receipt and Referral Process Receipt Process Data Entry Scanning Paper Applications KM May Also Contribute to Telescoping the Referral Process - Gone Receipt Process Will Be Streamlined Referral Process
The Age of Electronic Receipt Knowledge Management: Referral Proposal Referral Referral Staff IRG 1 IRG 2 IRG 3 IRG N Integrated Review Group (IRG)
When Applications Are Received Electronically The Age of Electronic Receipt Receipt and Referral Process Initial Log-in information automatically captured Scanning process eliminated – Data and grant application image immediately available in electronic format KM could be used to initially refer applications to IRGs and to potential funding Institutes immediately after receipt Referral staff would intervene only in complicated cases Receipt and Referral process can be substantially compressed
The Review Process The Age of Electronic Receipt New Opportunities: Knowledge Management
Possibilities for KM in the Review Process Referral within the Integrate Review Groups (IRGs) The Age of Electronic Receipt New Opportunities: Knowledge Management Proposal Referral Referral Staff IRG 1 IRG 2 IRG 3 IRG N SS N IRG Chiefs SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 Selection Study Section (SS)
The Age of Electronic Receipt New Opportunities: Knowledge Management Possibilities for KM in the Review Process Referral within the Integrate Review Groups (IRGs) Help SRAs Identify and Avoid Conflicts – based on recent publication history and institution affiliation Assign Applications to Reviewers – based on applications assigned to the study section, publication histories of reviewers serving on the review panel, and workload assignment balance Identify Gaps in Reviewer Expertise and suggest reviewers based on reviewer publication histories and applications assigned to the study section
Possibilities for KM in the Review Process Referral within the Integrate Review Groups (IRGs) Help SRAs Identify and Avoid Conflicts Assign Applications to Reviewers Identify Gaps in Review Expertise Help Ensure Integrity Plagiarism Scientific Overlap The Age of Electronic Receipt New Opportunities: Knowledge Management
Other Possibilities New Opportunities: Knowledge Management
Other Possibilities For KM Across NIH New Opportunities: Knowledge Management Identify Emerging Areas of Science NIH could use this information in planning, especially to modify study section boundaries and/or create new study sections Balance Portfolios NIH has focused its KM efforts so far on coding of funded research Coding applications would provide information about the number and percentage of applications in a particular area not funded (denominator for funded research)
Other Possibilities For KM Across NIH New Opportunities: Knowledge Management Identify Emerging Areas of Science Balance Portfolios Help Applicants Identify Appropriate Study Sections Develop a website interface where applicants could enter sections of their applications (e.g., Abstract and or Specific Aims) Text from the application could be compared to study section descriptions and/or abstracts of applications reviewed within study sections System would generate a list of study sections to consider based on matches
The PROMISE of KM SRA Replacement KM appears to have the promise of offering NIH staff and PIs additional tools that will help them be more efficient and thereby provide them more opportunity to focus on the scientific aspects of their work It is not the intention, nor is it feasible to have KM replace SRAs
The Promise of Knowledge Management Questions and Discussion