Bridge Owners Forum Code of Practice for Bridge Management Research Opportunities Graham Cole s
Contents of Presentation Bridge Management Influences Code of Practice for The Management of Highway Structures. Implementation of the Recommendations. Review of Progress. Research Opportunities.
Bridge Management Influences Asset Management Planning Performance Measures Asset Valuation Code of Practice
The Code
We know what condition it is in. The Asset Management Rainbow… We know what we have got. We know what it is worth. We know what condition it should be in. We know our long term forward programme. We know that we have a BMS to manage the data. We know that we will be able to secure the necessary funding. We know the optimal way to close the performance gap. Code of Practice for the Management of Highway Structures plus research initiatives
Contents Foreword Executive Summary 1.Introduction 2.Management Context 3.Asset Management Planning 4.Financial Planning and Resource Accounting 5.Maintenance Planning And Management 6.Inspection, Testing And Monitoring 7.Assessment Of Structures 8.Management Of Abnormal Loads 9.Asset Information Management 10.Framework for a Bridge Management System 11.Implementation of the Code 2. Management Context The Code
2. Management Context 9. Asset Information Management 10. Framework for a Bridge Management System 3. Asset Management Planning 5. Maintenance Planning and Management 6. Inspection, Testing and Monitoring 7. Assessment of Structures 8. Management of Abnormal Loads SHORT TERM PLANNING ENGINEERING PROCESSES LONG TERM PLANNING 4. Financial Planning and Resource Accounting
There is a statutory obligation on highway authorities to maintain the public highway (Highways Act, 1980) Safe for Use requires a highway structure to be managed in such a way that it does not pose an unacceptable risk to public safety (31). Milestone One – March Fit for Purpose requires a highway structure to be managed in such a way that it remains available for use by traffic permitted for the route (32). Milestone Two – March 2007.
Implementation Good Management Practice (17) Customer focused asset management approach. Deliver required Levels of Service. Minimise whole life costs. Make optimum use of resources. Provide a sustainable programme of work Milestone Three – March 2008 to March 2010
Review of Progress
CSS Bridge Management System Survey CSS Code of Practice Implementation Survey.
We comply with Milestone One, with only a few gaps left to be filled. We partially comply with Milestone Two. We do not comply with Milestone Three. No idea until I study Code of Practice. (Not familiar with this document as yet!) We have a lot of what is recommended in place at the moment. We are just completing our first attempt at a transportation asset management plan, and we will now begin to look at the areas where we have gaps in our data and management systems e.g. valuation, prediction models, whole life costing and some aspects of performance monitoring. We are currently working with SERCO regarding abnormal load vetting using ESDAL and so will be interested to see how their system develops in 2006.
Review of Progress Milestone Average Rating Ratings < 2 One Two Three None 10 7 The need has been recognised and a plan for implementation is currently being developed.
Milestone 3 2. Management Context Asset Management Planning 2 4. Financial Planning 3 5. Maintenance Planning Inspection, Testing & Monitoring 4
Milestone 3 7. Assessment of Structures 4 8. Management of Abnormal Loads 2 9. Asset Information Management Framework for a Bridge Management System 1
2. Management Context 9. Asset Information Management 10. Framework for a Bridge Management System 3. Asset Management Planning 5. Maintenance Planning and Management 6. Inspection, Testing and Monitoring 7. Assessment of Structures 8. Management of Abnormal Loads SHORT TERM PLANNING ENGINEERING PROCESSES LONG TERM PLANNING 4. Financial Planning and Resource Accounting
Research Opportunities
Establish a regime for the asset valuation of highway structures in accordance with the CSS document Develop and implement components of the AM Regime needed to deliver the Advanced AM Planning process for highway structures Develop and implement lifecycle plans for all groups and sub-groups of highway structures
Contents Foreword Executive Summary 1.Introduction 2.Management Context 3.Asset Management Planning 4.Financial Planning and Resource Accounting 5.Maintenance Planning And Management 6.Inspection, Testing And Monitoring 7.Assessment Of Structures 8.Management Of Abnormal Loads 9.Asset Information Management 10.Framework for a Bridge Management System 11.Implementation of the Code 3. Asset Management Planning The Code
Finding the Right Level of Funding ExcellentGoodFairPoorCriticalFailed Condition Index Costs = Capital Costs = User Costs = Maintenance Costs = Total Costs
Contents Foreword Executive Summary 1.Introduction 2.Management Context 3.Asset Management Planning 4.Financial Planning and Resource Accounting 5.Maintenance Planning And Management 6.Inspection, Testing And Monitoring 7.Assessment Of Structures 8.Management Of Abnormal Loads 9.Asset Information Management 10.Framework for a Bridge Management System 11.Implementation of the Code 4. Financial Planning The Code
Valuation Whole of Government Accounts Gross Replacement Cost Dimension x unit rate Depreciation Condition related Asset Valuation
Valuation Level 1 Asset Type Level 2 Asset Group Level 3 Components StructuresBridges (including subways) Culverts (span < 1.5m) Retaining walls Sign / signal gantries and cantilever road signs Other assets included in this group Tunnels Structural earthworks, e.g. strengthened / reinforced soils Fords and causeways Cattle grids All elements identified on the CSS inspection pro forma Should include all components considered in the maintenance and management of these assets
Contents Foreword Executive Summary 1.Introduction 2.Management Context 3.Asset Management Planning 4.Financial Planning and Resource Accounting 5.Maintenance Planning And Management 6.Inspection, Testing And Monitoring 7.Assessment Of Structures 8.Management Of Abnormal Loads 9.Asset Information Management 10.Framework for a Bridge Management System 11.Implementation of the Code 5. Maintenance Planning The Code
Lifecycle Plans
Structure Condition Masonry Bridge Concrete Bridge Metal Bridge Traffic Environment HighMediumLow Mild Severe V. Severe Time How will the structure deteriorate from here?
Summary Engineering Processes are Satisfactory ESDAL for Management of Abnormal Loads Existing Decision Support Tool for BMS Lifecycle Plans Depreciation Levels of Service for Highway Structures Highway Structures Asset Management Planning
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