Introduction to the world of computers Charles cedrick g. Sim
Computers in your life Why Learn about Computers? Computers: In the Home In Education On the Job On the Go
Why Learn about computers? Pervasive computing - Few aspects of daily life reamin untouched by computers and computing technology Comptuer Literacy -Knowledge and understanding of basic computer fundamentals
In the home Reference and Communication Productivity Entertainment -wireless networking -smart appliances -smart homes In Education Compter labs and classroom Campus wireless hotspots Distance learning -Wireless hotspots -Computer as part of normal courseload -distance learning
On the job Decision making Productivity Offsite communications Authentication -Research tools -Office Works -Authentication systems On the go Portable computers Consumer kiosk M-commerce systems Consumer-authentication systems -Consumer kiosks -Self checkout systems -M-commerce systems -Portable computers -GPS
What is a computer and what it Does it do? Computer –a programmable electronic device that accepts data, perform operations on the data, present the results And store the data or resultd as needed Input – entering data into the computer Process – performing pperations on the data Output – presenting the results Storage – saving data, programs or output for future use Communications - Sending or retrieving data, accessing information
Data vs information Data – Raw, unorgAnized facts -Words in a letter -Numbers in a monthly budget -Images in a photograph Information - data that has been processed into a meaningful form
Computers then and now Precomuters and Early Computers (before approx. 1946) First generation computer (approx ) Second generation computers ( ) Third generation computers ( ) Fourth generation computers (1971-present) Fifth generation computers (now-future)
Hardware and software Hardware – tangible parts of the computer Input devices Processing devices Output devices Storage devices Communications devices Software – Instructions or program, intangible System software – Main system software Application software
Computer users and professionals End Users – People who use computers to perform ks or obtain information Programmers – are computer professionals who write programs that computer uses System analysts Computer operations personnel Security specialists
Computers to fit every need Embedded Computers Mobile Devices Personal Computers Midrange Servers Mainframe Computers Supercomputers
Embedded Computers – Tiny computer embedded into a product designed to perform specific tasks or functions for that product Mobile Devices – very small communications device that has built-in computing and internet capability Smartphones Handheld gaming devices Portable digital media players
Personal computers Personal Computers or Microcomputer – small computer designed to be used by one person at a time Desktop Computers – designed to fit on or next to a desk Portable Computers – designed to be carried around easily, such as in abriefcase or pocket, depending on their size Notebook computers Tablet computers Netbooks Ultra mobile PCs Thin Clients(Network Computers) – a device designed to be used in conjunction with a company network Internet Appliances – designed to be located in the home and can be built into another product
Midrange serverS - a medium sized computer used to host programs and data for a small network
Mainframe Computers - is a powerful computer used by many large organizations that need to manage large amounts of centralized data - Most powerful and most expensive type of computer available SUPERCOMPUTERS
Computer networks and the internet What are the internet and World Wide Web? Accessing a network or the internet Surfing the web Searching the web
Computers and society Benefits of a computer oriented society Risks of a computer oriented society -Security Issues -Privacy Issues Differences in online communications Anonimity factor Information Integrity
Differences in online communications Netiquette Use descriptive subject lines Don’t shout Watch what you say Avoid overload Be cautious Think before you send
Quiz T or F 1.Keyboard is part of input devices 2.Information is a processed data that is in meaningful form 3.Software is the physical part of the computer 4.Microwave oven is an example of embedded computers 5.WWW stands for Web World Wide 6.Smartphones is not a computer 7.Data is the raw, organized facts