HATIL Production Planning & Control Eng. Aminur Rahman
Objective of Production Planning Control Procedure of HATIL Rough Production Plan Dept. Wise 12 Month Rough Capacity Vs. Plan Status Over Sea Procurement Raw Material Requirements Plan Dept. Wise One Month Rough Capacity Vs. Plan Status Monthly Raw Material Requirements Planning Procedure of HATIL Weekly Production Execution Scheduling Technique Procedure of HATIL Weekly Production Execution Scheduling Document Limitations of PPC Eng. Aminur Rahman
To ensure maximum utilization of all resources To minimize the product throughput time To maintain optimum level inventory To maintain flexibility in manufacturing operations Coordinate between various supporting departments Eng. Aminur Rahman
Forecasting is a technique used for predicting future demand based on past demand information. Predicted demand Actual demand (past sales) Predicted demand looking Past Demand
Eng. Aminur Rahman Aggregate planning is a marketing activity that does an aggregate plan for the Production process, in advance of 6 to 18 months, to give an idea to management as to what quantity of materials and other resource are to be procured and when, so that the total cost of operation of the organization is kept to the minimum over that period. Aggregate Plan:
Eng. Aminur Rahman
Over Sea Procurement Raw Material Requirements Plan Rough Production Material Requirements Planning Inventory Status Bills of Material Place Order ( Over Sea) If Shortage
Eng. Aminur Rahman
Monthly Raw Material Requirements Plan Rough Production Material Requirements Planning Inventory Status Bills of Material Place Order ( Local) If Shortage
Eng. Aminur Rahman
PPC function is based on certain assumptions or forecasts of customer’s demand, Plant capacity, availability of materials etc. This function become difficult when environmental factors changes rapidly. Eng. Aminur Rahman