M ARCELLA D EASE EDU 673 Week 4 Discussion December 13, 2018
W HAT IS U NIVERSAL D ESIGN FOR L EARNING ? “Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a way of thinking about teaching and learning that helps give all students an equal opportunity to succeed” (Morin, NA). UDL allows information to be presented in more than one way. These can be but not limited to text, audio, and hands-on (Morin, NA). This also encourages teachers to offer different testing formats, which can include but not limited to oral presentations and group projects. Finding ways to keep students motivated is very important and UDL does just that by allowing students to learn and interact in many different ways (Morin, NA).
W HAT IS D IFFERENTIATION ? Is tailoring what is being taught to meet the needs of each individual. Teachers can differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment but ongoing assessments and being flexible will make this approach to instruction successful (Tomlinson).
S IMILARITIES & D IFFERENCES DIUDL Accommodation for all studentsScaffolding Formative AssessmentsDifferent learning styles Scaffolding studentAccommodation for all students Different learning styles assessments Formative Assessments
P RESENTING N EW I NFORMATION Hands on experience is important Large and small groups Clear rules and expectation Technology such as Ipads, computers, etc.
E NGAGING & M OTIVATION There needs to be a balance between students and teacher instructional time. We will set the classroom for large and small groups. Allow time for creativity Free Play Observation (teachers will observe students during free play)
C ONCLUSION Complement each other Common goal Successful classrooms Accommodations for all students Recognizes that each students have different styles of learning.
R EFERENCES Morin, A. (NA, NA NA). Understood. Retrieved from Universal Design for Learning (UDL): What You Need to Know: Universal Design for Learning (UDL): What You Need to Know Tomlinson, C. A. (n.d.). Reading Rockets. Retrieved from What Is Differentiated Instruction?: differentiated-instruction