Look at the illustrations nearby to figure out the word. Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. EAGLE EYE Look at the illustrations nearby to figure out the word.
Hop over the word, read the end of the sentence and then hop back. Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. BOUNCING BUNNY Hop over the word, read the end of the sentence and then hop back.
Get your lips ready to say the first sound of the word. Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. FISH LIPS Get your lips ready to say the first sound of the word.
Try to reread the sentences or try a word that makes sense. Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. TRYING LION Try to reread the sentences or try a word that makes sense.
Customize this banner with your own message Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. CHUNKY MONKEY Break multisyllabic words into easier chunks to sound out or find compound words.
Flip the vowel sound until the word sounds correct in the sentence.. Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. DOLPHIN FLIPPER Flip the vowel sound until the word sounds correct in the sentence..
Customize this banner with your own message Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. SNAKE STRETCH Stretch out the word slowly then put the sounds together to figure out the word.
Determine what verb tense, both regular or irregular, the word is in. Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. TENSE TIGER Determine what verb tense, both regular or irregular, the word is in.
Determine the meaning of the prefix beginning or suffix ending. Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. LOBSTER CLAWS Determine the meaning of the prefix beginning or suffix ending.
Customize this banner with your own message Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. DIVING DOVE Read, hear, and see the differences between homophones, homonyms, and homographs
Be aware and use synonyms or antonyms of simple and complex words. Customize this banner with your own message! Select the letter and add your own text. Use one character per slide. POSSIBLE PLATYPUS Be aware and use synonyms or antonyms of simple and complex words.